
What 's On The Business World, Information Technology Plays A Major Part Of Companies ' Success And Growth

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What’s in I.T. for Me
In the business world, Information Technology plays a major part in companies’ success and growth. Technology is rapidly advancing at an exponential rate and what we can do now with IT is beyond what we could have imagined just a couple decades ago. I am pursuing a degree in marketing and looking into information systems as well, I expect to become a brand manager for a big company one day such as Apple, Proctor and Gamble, or GE, etc. In marketing we utilize data to gather information and knowledge to better understand our customers. I believe I would use IT to my advantage in a marketing career to help better the company I work for. IT Is growing significantly and the amounts of data I could utilize in a business career is astronomical. Furthermore, I would be able to use this data to have a better relation between the business and its customers and help the company succeed through the role information technology plays in this type of environment. Databases help brand or marketing managers access useful data that were created by consumers through habits, trends, and/ or transactions. Large amounts of data are collected and stored in databases, sometimes resulting in problems with holding such big data. As technology increases and the price of building such technology decreases we have a huge soar in information and data we gather using powerful tools but less and less storage space. Moore’s Law states the processing power and storage capacity of

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