
White Collar Crime: Embezzlement Or Property Theft

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Embezzlement or property theft, is when someone sets aside property or money for personal gain when they are entrusted to handle a company's assets or someone else's money/property. When the defendant takes the money for their own personal gain is it considered as stealing. In order to be convicted of embezzlement, the prosecution must prove that the person was in a position of trust and had access to the money and property, even though he was not owner of it. Embezzlement is referred to as form of white collar crime because these crimes occur in the business world by the white collar professionals with high social status.
With embezzlement charges, the value and the type of property that was stolen will determine the penalties will …show more content…

Embezzlement can occur in many different circumstances. An example would be , when a bank teller has legal access to a client's money, and is trusted by the client to handle but not take that money. A company's ,officers and employees can also embezzle funds belonging to them, family members caring for a relative, professionals like board members or lawyers who handle client or investor money, or anyone that is in a position of trust with regard to someone else’s money and or property.
Embezzlement is sort of similar to larceny, because both crimes involve the stealing of property belonging to another. The only difference is that larceny can be committed by anyone, while embezzlement requires a defendant who has been entrusted with the property. This means that the defendant’s position within a company will often determine which crime applies. Store clerks are not entrusted with the cash in the register, so taking it will constitute larceny. If the same cash is taken by the store manager, however, the crime should be charged as …show more content…

Smith I would get him to tell me exactly what happened. As he is telling his story I would take notes and let him know what I think happened to him. What Mr. Smith doesn't know is that he is actually the victim of a crime. He didn't do anything wrong, but his partner stole his money when it was supposed to go towards some property. I would ask Mr. Smith for any contracts he may have had for any of the properties or any paperwork that was signed by the both of them. Once I get all of the information and evidence from Mr. Smith I will then try to contact Mr. Dumas and get his side of the story to see if we can resolve this matter outside of

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