
White Collar Crimes And Criminal Offences

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“Bank robbery is down by half over the last decade, check fraud has declined in recent years, and cyber crime is surging” (Scanio and Ludwig). Fraudulent activity is everywhere. It is a crime even though there are no victims. Scams, price fixing, wiring accounts, fraud of all sorts, etc are all types of white-collar crimes. Not all crimes that are committed are even performed by the Chief Financial Officer. It has become more accessible, to commit these crimes, with the mass amounts of internet and cellular towers available. While the amount of electronic devices have increased so has the amount of cybercrimes. White collar crimes are criminal offences, formed from plans to rob from companies. There have been many in the past with substantial restitution rates, but the controversy is how they rate the crime and the consequences that a specific crime comes with it. History has changed the way bank accounts secure their information and how they allow finances to settle. According to Mark Sherman, the term white-collar crime was coined in 1939 by criminologist Edwin Sutherland, who defined it as “crime in upper class which is composed of respectable, or at least respected, business, and professional men.” They categorize crimes based on patterns, how they use resources, others involved and the length of time. The criminals use other accounts to avoid loss with their own money. Most crimes are not physical, but some may become physical if they supply to the wrong source.

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