
Who Is An Elite Endurance Athlete

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What does it take to be an elite endurance athlete
To be a marathoner or a long-distance swimmer or runner, you must have world-class circulatory and respiratory system
For an endurance athlete to perform work over an extended period , muscle cells require steady supply of oxygen and must be able to rid themselves of carbon dioxide
What limits the speed and stamina of most endurance athletes is the ability of their heart and lungs to deliver oxygen at a steady rate property functions circulatory and respiratory system are essential to all of us
The two systems are such close partners that they are explored together in this chapter
Every organism must exchange materials with its environment , relyupon
Diffusion, the spontaneous movement of molecule from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, and a circulatory system which facilitates the exchange of materials for all but the simplest animals Circulatory systems typically consist of a central pump, vascular system (system of tubes), and circulating fluid
In an open circulatory system the heart pumps blood into large open-ended vessels and fluid circulates freely among cells
Open circulatory systems are found in many invertebrates including arthropods and most molluscs
In a Closed circulatory system, blood stays within a set of tubes is distinct from the interstitial fluid, and the fluid that fills the spaces around the cells closed circulatory systems are found in

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