
Who Is Perry Smith In Truman Capote's In Cold Blood

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On November 15, 1959, 4 murders took place. Perry smith and Dick Hickock took the lives of four innocent people. “In Cold Blood”, written by Truman Capote, describes each of the murderers life. Perry smith was born in Huntington, Nevada on October 27, 1928. Perry was abused by his father and his family soon left his father. His mother was an alcoholic, and died when he was 13. He and his siblings were put in an orphanage where he was abused for wetting his bed. From there he was moved to a salvation army orphanage where a caretaker allegedly tried to drown him. Perry moved back with his father, from there he started getting into trouble with the police. He was in and out of juvenile detention. Perry smith should be held accountable for his …show more content…

Perry did not have a father most of his life and his mother was an alcoholic. He was also never given a chance to an education. Two of Perry’s siblings committed suicide as young adults, but his sister turned out just fine and went on to live her live. One out of four are not good odds but it only takes one to prove that Perry’s childhood did not make him incapable of making his own decisions. Perry is not the first person to have a rough childhood. Many people have had terrible childhoods, but because of the smart choices they made kept them on the right path to a successful …show more content…

Perry admitted to killing the clutters, so why should anyone question that it wasn't his fault. People heard Perry’s story of his childhood and began to feel bad for him. the didn't think that he was a victim of his circumstances, they just wanted a happy ending to his messed up life. They were blinded by the fact that he brutally murdered a entire family with the help of Dick Hickock. Perry also admitted to thinking about killing Dick also, just because he didn't want any “witnesses”. If Smith was truly a victim of his circumstances, wouldn’t you think that he would want to keep the only person actually helped him do

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