
Who Is St. Zacharias A Peacemaker

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St. Zacharias is a pope and a peacemaker born in San Severino, Italy. Though his birthdate is forgotten, his life story of being a peacemaker is not. In Rome you are able to see his many effects on the Roman church.
St. Zacharias was born on an unknown date to a Greek family. His hometown is San Severino, Italy. We know his father’s name was Polichronus, and that he became a deacon at a young age. Any other information has been lost.
St. Zacharias became the Pope in 741 A.D and sent a papal envoy to an emperor named, Constantine V. Constantine V was overthrown by his brother-in-law before the envoy reached him. After he regained his throne, the papal envoy gave him the message that St. Zacharias sent. It encouraged Constantine V to restore

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