
Who Is To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Who is most to blame for the deaths of two lovers? There have been many tragedies caused by romance. The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is a drama placed in Verona, Italy. It is known for two families, Montague and Capulets to be in a long standing feud. It is also known for the tragedy between two star-crossed lovers from the two households. After a series of tragic events, the two lovers commit suicide. There are several characters that can be responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, but the character that is most to blame is Friar Laurence. He was the one to help and influence them to be together and gave Juliet the potion leading to her death and Romeo’s. Friar Laurence is the most to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet for his thoughtless decisions. …show more content…

Romeo kept on forcing the idea upon him, so he marries them hoping that their marriage would end the Capulet and Montague feud, even though he did not ask for the parents’ consent. He displays his hope when he says, “For this alliance may so happy prove / to turn your household’s rancor to pure love”(Act I, Scene 4, Lines 91-92). Friar Laurence kept Romeo and Juliet’s relationship secretive, making the situation worsen. Later on, the Friar shows that he has regrets about the marriage. The Friar feels that, “Violent delights have violent ends / And their triumph die… too swift arrives as tardy as too slow” (Act II, scene 6, Lines 9-15). The Friar senses that the wedding is happening too quickly and doubts his decision. He had the potential to prevent the deaths of Romeo and Juliet, but his decisions led Romeo and Juliet to do reckless actions under his ideas. Friar Laurence’s thoughtless decisions led to the deaths of Romeo and

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