
Why Focusing Too Narrowly In College Could Backfire By Peter Cappelli

Decent Essays

Why Focusing Too Narrowly In College Could Backfire by Peter Cappelli was very detailed about the author’s points in today’s society. I enjoyed reading this passage, because I agree with the author that there are not enough guaranteed jobs out there for students after they graduate. I have been experiencing this first hand because I will be graduating in May, and the job field is tough and very competitive. The author’s thesis in the passage is clear, “The economy is still shaky, and many graduating students are unable to find jobs that pay well, if they can find jobs at all.” I believe that professors need to tell their students more and prepare them more that the economy is very unstable at all times, and no job is ever promised or promised …show more content…

While reading I found a statement where the author says, “little wonder that business majors outnumber liberal-arts majors in the U.S. by two-to-one, and the trend is even more focused programs targeted to niches in the labor market.” I completely agree with that statement, because it takes jobs, businesses of all kinds, and people to keep jobs going and available in this world. When you analyze things even further and put it all on paper, it takes people to be a CPA, a financial broker, a stock broker, to be an accountant, a banker, and an investor or giver to keep the world functioning properly and keep businesses from going under because of financial problems. The author also makes a great statement, “many parents and students don’t realize that even top schools differ greatly in their ability to get students out the door to graduation on time.” I completely agree with that statement as well, because it all depends on how much the student wants to and is willing to learn. I found it interesting when the author compares a private school with a public school, because some people would never take the time to do that. A lot of people think a private school is better education for their children. The author mentions in the passage that one of his colleagues did some very detailed research and found that a private school has a lot more to offer students once they graduate, rather than one a public school does. I will completely agree with that. When I think of a public school, I think of very good education. “An expensive, private school may end up cheaper if a student doesn’t have to be there as long.” I find this statement very true, because when reading about private schools they are a lot stricter on their education and how they do things. Private schools don’t want students

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