
Why High School Should Have Less Time Essay

Decent Essays

Don’t you just love that feeling when you open the door to your comfortable home after a long day of school? When you finally have some time to relax and take a nap, go outside and shoot some hoops? Or even if you’re really up to it, finish your homework early to be able to watch a movie with your family? These are things you will miss out on if 1 ½ hours of school are added each day. I disagree with this suggestion because there will be less time to finish homework, no time for after school/ extra curricular activities and certainly less time to sleep.

The first reason why the school board should not go along with this suggestion is because students will have even less time to finish up homework, which usually takes 1 ½-3 hours per night. Adding 1 ½ hours of school will certainly not help the situation. For example, let’s say with the school hours added, you get home about 4:45. You take a 30 minute nap to regain some energy. You then decide to eat some leftovers from the fridge to keep you satisfied until dinner. After you’ve finished, you start working on your homework, by this time it’s 5:30. You finally finish your homework at 8:00. Finishing your homework at 8:00 is pretty late. If you want to get a good night's sleep, you should be in bed by 9:30 the latest. I don’t think that’s a fun routine to go through everyday. There will also be times when you have projects to work on, which …show more content…

If we use the same example as before, where can students fit an hour of soccer? Chess club Meetup? Even a run around the block? This also fits in with music. When will students have time to practice instruments? There’s barely enough time to finish homework. For a lot of students, sports and clubs are their chance to be creative and free. When school hours are added, there isn’t time to spend doing what they

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