
Why Is Athens Better Than Sparta

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Athens vs. Sparta Imagine living in a city where you are forced to join the army and you can’t get an education. However, if one does not like that they should go live in Athens. Sparta and Athens were Ancient Greek city-states that were very different. Sparta was a military-based city-state, on the other hand, Athens was a generous, art based community. Athens was a greater city to live in because they had education privileges, a strong government, and had characteristics for agriculture.

One reason Athens was a greater city to live in is because they had many education priviledges. According to the article, “Athens and Sparta,” by Mr. Duckworth, “Unlike Sparta, in Athens, boys were not forced to join the army. As an Athenian, one could pursue several kinds of arts and sciences. Spartans were not open to education, and they only concentrated on military strength and obedience and they didnt react much with the outside world.” This proves Sparta did not believe in education, only military. Education was important to Athenians because it helped their society improve. Education is one reason Athens was the greatest place to live. …show more content…

Athens had a very strong government. The article states, “Where they differed was that while the Spartans had militaristic values, Athenians were democratic. The Spartans emphasized only on expanding their power and gaining control over other kingdoms while the Athenians also grew infrasructure wise in ancient time.” The Athenian government was called a Limited Democracy. Athenian goverment was based on “rule by the people” while the Spartan goverment was called an Oligarchy which is “rule by a few.” Having a strong government based on the people is another reason Athens was the better place to

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