
Why Is Odysseus Bad

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In the film Clash of the Gods, which is based on the epic poem the Odyssey, by Homer, Odysseus, the main character Odysseus, struggles with getting home from the Trojan War. Odysseus has many character traits, some good, some bad. Some traits include refusing to believe anything can stop him, being crafty to overcome obstacles, and being a happy, successful king of Ithaca. These traits combined influenced Odysseus on his journey home. Like everyone else Odysseus has negative traits, one of them is he refuses to believe anything can stop him. After defeating Troy in the Trojan War, Odysseus decides to pillage villages on his way home. During the pillaging they find an island with the Cicone people where they loot their villages. After partying through the night the men collapse on the beach. While they are asleep the Cicone people attack and Odysseus and his crew barely escape. When he found the cave of the cyclops Odysseus waited because he thought he was getting a present or could beat him. Instead, when the cyclops returned to the cave it ate two of his men and Odysseus feared him and his men were going to die. People need to not believe they can succeed at everything in life otherwise it can cause difficulties later. Another trait Odysseus possesses is the ability to be crafty in tough situations. During the Trojan War Odysseus comes up …show more content…

While on his way home, Odysseus gets stuck in a storm that blows him off course and into Africa. In Africa, Odysseus and his men met the lotus eaters. The lotus eaters gave the men lotus that were like narcotics and it caused some of the men to not want to leave Africa. Odysseus doesn't eat it so he isn't affected. After successfully leaving Africa without a few men Odysseus gets stuck on the island of the man eating cyclops named Polyphemus. If Odysseus did not have these traits the story would be less

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