
Why Should Children Be Allowed To Spank Children

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Today it seems like every public place has at least one kid screaming about something, interrupting other people as they go about their day. There has been a large decrease in the amount of punishing parents do, and most importantly the amount of spankings given. It seems like these days there are many more bratty children than there used to be. Could there be just a small solution to the problem in society? Yes, maybe so. If all parents would spank their children, kids of today’s society would behave. Parents should spank their children for many reasons. The starter reason is because children who are spanked regularly for their wrongdoings are better behaved than those who are allowed to do whatever they want. This topic can become very controversial depending on the way it is looked at. There are certain standards that should be followed. …show more content…

People say that when someone gives their child a spanking that the child might not know what they are doing wrong. According to one article “it teaches children what not to do - it does not teach them what to do” (Epstein). Like what was stated in an earlier paragraph there is a right and a wrong way to spank a child. Spankings are given after multiple verbal warnings. When a child receives a spanking the parent should explain to the child what he or she did wrong first. It gives the parent time to cool off, and teaches the child the right thing to do. Another article states that the crime rate is three times higher now that parents aren’t giving their children spankings than it was in the 1950’s and 1960’s when spanking was popular(Chigbo). It gives the child a chance to understand why they are getting the spanking, and realize that they deserve it, and most importantly it will leave a lasting effect on them to keep them from wanting to do what they did

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