
Who Is Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

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Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story which results in both of the lovers’ deaths. Romeo and Juliet come from feuding families who have a strong hatred. When they fall in love, they obviously don’t want their families to know. The story tells of how they try to maintain their love until both lovers kill themselves out of grief. Many characters have an influence in their deaths and in theory, every single character could blamed to some degree. But Friar Laurence, a man of the church and a good friend of Romeo, is most responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Despite other characters actions, Friar Laurences failure to notify Romeo of his plan, marrying them secretly, and his advice to both Romeo and Juliet played the biggest role in their deaths. From the very minute the Friar is introduced he immediately begins to make decisions that will impact the rest of the story. In Act 2 Scene 3 the Friar says, “In one respect, I’ll thy assistant be: For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your households rancor to pure love.” This quote states his decision to secretly marry Romeo and Juliet as an attempt to help the families get closer and develop acceptance. Although this may have seemed appropriate for the time, this would only further complicate their relationship. As a man of God, the Friar would have had a holy influence on the families if he attempted to counsel with them. During this time period, the power of religion and the church was astronomical. If the

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