
William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet

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The Honorable Prince Escalus, I have resided in Verona for the better part of forty years and never have I seen such a mishandled case as this. Firstly, the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is the tragedy of Verona. Their story comes only as a result of a deep seated hatred that in the past you have not condoned. Yet your strict attitude cost a man his life. Now three bodies have been laid to rest as a result of Romeo 's banishment. You should have allowed Romeo to remain in Verona following Mercutio and Tybalt 's deaths. The punishment may fit the crime, but not the circumstances. Romeo 's banishment was unjust. All things considered, neither Romeo nor the Montagues are to blame for the fight. Tybalt is at fault for starting a fight and forcing Romeo into it. BENVOLIO. Tybalt, the kinsman to Old Capulet, Hath sent a letter to his father 's house. MERCUTIO. A challenge, on my life. (2.4.7-9) After Romeo attended a party held by Capulet, Tybalt was ready to duel him. Somehow, Tybalt became outraged by Romeo 's charming appearance and courteous behavior at his uncle 's celebration. So, Tybalt issued an announcement that he would fight Montague 's son. Romeo did not provoke a death match and could not have predicted that a Capulet would want to kill him for attending a feast without an invitation. Additionally, once Tybalt arrived to slay him, Romeo attempted to talk him out of a sword fight. TYBALT. Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford No better

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