
William Shakespeare 's Romeo And Juliet

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One emotion that is evident throughout the texts is that consequence. In the play Romeo has previously abstained from becoming embroiled in the violence that tybalt is trying to get him Engadget in but mercuito Romeo best friend steps in to protect his friend and take his place and fight tybalt from the house of capulet. From all the bravery and loyalty the mercuito showed for Romeo he was slain when Romeo tried to stop the fight between him and tybalt, and mercuito ends up dying. In mercuito last word he stated "A plague on both your houses" Is a blanc verse the reason for that is their is no rhythm which makes it iambic pentameter. Mercurio uses a metaphor after cursing the two households, Montague 's and the Capulet 's, and shows the reader that he blames both of the households in part for causing his death. Shakespeare allowed this quote to have no rhyme because it 's a foreshadowing quote which is a turning point in the story which highlight to the audience that the two house capulet and montage will suffer from what had happened in that scene because of the death of tybalt from the opposite house the capulets. The others don 't know about the love story between Romeo and Juliet and their intentions to ignore their tradition and their family 's name for the sake of getting married and perusing their love together. But the Word "Plague" it 's meaning is epically repaired to Romeo because he had killed a capulet it 's as almost as soon as he had killed tybalt from the

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