
Essay Winston's Predicament in 1984

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Winston's Predicament in 1984 The dystopian world George Orwell created for 1984 is a bleak, emotionless place, grey shaded and foul smelling, full of hate and distrust. The humans that inhabit it do not live, they are simply expected to exist for the good of the sinister Party, a totalitarian government, while their leader gazes down at them from every wall, watching their every move. One of these humans, and our protagonist, is Winston Smith. His problems when simplified may seem like the problems of any other person: his lack of freedom, his repressed emotions and his desperate loneliness. These problems however, are exasperated by the society he lives in. 'Thought crime', punishable by death, goes so far as to prohibit …show more content…

Problems in communication between Winston and the opposite sex are hi-lighted when he speaks about his original companion and now estranged wife, Katharine in chapter 6 of the first part. The problems that exist between men and women in this society are many it seems, but they all stem back to emotional repression and the indoctrination the party carries out on its subjects. When we are told about "pornosec", the literature department Julia works in, we are told that all the workers are female, mainly because the Party believe that men are too uncontrollable despite the party's repressive tactics. Not all contact with women is forbidden though, if Party members are willing to risk being caught in the proletarian area. As Winston tells us, the Party don't mind "mere debauchery", as long as it is "furtive and joyless", secret and with a lower class prole. The Party's sustained agenda to "dirty" and "distort" the natural instincts of the party members towards each other understandably hinders Winston's relationships with the opposite sex. With all this in mind, Winston moves to the conclusion that "desire was thoughtcrime". The earlier reflection that "thoughtcrime is death" means that we can summarise that, to the people of Air Strip One, desire is death. All of which brings us to Winston desires and the creature with whom he simultaneously has the relationship that makes his miserable, isolated life worthwhile and the "opeless

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