
Women In The Antebellum Period

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In this short paper, we will speak about the role women had in society in the antebellum south and how it was affected.
The Antebellum period, also known as the plantation era, which was happened before the civil war but after the war of 1812. According to, it was characterized by thee rise of abolition and the gradual polarization of the country between abolitionists and supporters of slavery ("Antebellum Period | HistoryNet", 2017). We also saw during this time thee shift in manufacturing from the south to the north and the beginning of the industrial revolution. The economy was booming in the south due to the demand of cotton and implementation of the cotton gin which made manufacturing cotton easier ("Antebellum Period | HistoryNet", 2017).
During the Antebellum period, women were not seen as equal citizens compared to men. Social attitudes did change during this period and most women seemed to benefit from it. Women could receive a good education, and even find jobs although their pay was not equal to that of what men were getting ("Women in Antebellum America", 2017)
Women started their first group to fight for gender rights in society social and economic equality and the right to vote which was not achieved until the twentieth century ("Women in Antebellum America", 2017). During the nineteenth century, two of the most famous academies for women were started which included, Troy Female Academy which was founded on 1821 by Emma Willard and Mount Holyoke

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