
`` Wrong Answer : A Case Against Algebra II

Decent Essays

Algebra is not an easy subject for many people. It is full of letters, numbers, and rules mixed together to represent real life problems that are hard to swallow for anyone who doesn’t look at the world from the perspective of a mathematician. In his essay, “Wrong Answer: A Case Against Algebra II”, Nicholson Baker addresses this problem and explains why he thinks Algebra II should not be seen as a staple in the education of High school students.
The essay begins with the creation of Algebra in 1545 by doctor Giordano Cardan. It was created to be this way of simplifying problems and Cardan believed it to be an art form that would never go out of style or lose usefulness over time. For the most part he was correct as nearly 500 years later it is still in use, yet for many people it does not simplify anything at all. Cardan was a man of numbers, he gambled and clearly had a great understanding of mathematics, so algebra made sense in his mind but this is not the case for everyone. Math is puzzle that people need to work through to understand, explains Baker, and many people enjoy this aspect of it much like Cardan. Baker himself was a dedicated student who put in week to learn material for a math exam and got a score of 93 for his efforts. Other students, however do not feel as though they can accomplish this. Not all students see the world in numbers and the material they are forced to study is confusing and only gets harder as the course goes on. Fr many student’s algebra

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