Cox Electric Breakeven Analysis Parameters Revenue per Unit Fixed Costs Material Cost per Unit Labor Cost per Unit Model Production Volume Total Revenue Material Cost Labor Cost Fixed Cost Total Cost Profit $0.65 $10,000.00 $0.15 $0.10 Cox Electric makes electronic components. The Excel file coxelectric.xlsx contains estimations for a new design of one of its products. The parameters and their estimated values are: Fixed costs $10,000 Material cost per unit = $0.15 Labor cost per unit = $0.10 Revenue per unit = $0.65 Note that fixed cost is incurred regardless of the amount produced. Per-unit material and labor cost together make up the variable cost per unit. Assuming that Cox Electric sells all the products it produces, profit is calculated by subtracting the fixed cost and total variable cost from total revenue. Prepare an Excel file with the following computations 1. Implement a model for calculating profit in Excel. If Cox Electric makes 12,000 units of the new product, what is the resulting profit? 2. Construct a One-Way Data Table with production volume as the column input and profit as the output. Vary production volume from 0 to 100,000 in increments of 10,000. In which interval of production volume does breakeven occur? (Hint: Breakeven occurs when profit goes from a negative to a positive value; that is, breakeven is when total revenue = total cost, yielding a profit of zero.) 3. Construct a Two-Way Data Table with production volume as the column input, material cost per unit as the row input, and profit as the output. Vary production volume from 0 to 100,000 in increments of 10,000. Vary material cost per unit with values $0.15, $0.20, $0.25, and $0.30. 4. Use Goal Seek to find the exact breakeven point. Use the values in Question 1 as the estimated values of the parameters. (Assign Set cell: equal to the location of profit, To value: = 0, and By changing cell: equal to the location of the production volume in your model.)

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Your Question:
Cox Electric Breakeven Analysis
Revenue per Unit
Fixed Costs
Material Cost per Unit
Labor Cost per Unit
Production Volume
Total Revenue
Material Cost
Labor Cost
Fixed Cost
Total Cost
Transcribed Image Text:Cox Electric Breakeven Analysis Parameters Revenue per Unit Fixed Costs Material Cost per Unit Labor Cost per Unit Model Production Volume Total Revenue Material Cost Labor Cost Fixed Cost Total Cost Profit $0.65 $10,000.00 $0.15 $0.10
Cox Electric makes electronic components. The Excel file coxelectric.xlsx contains estimations
for a new design of one of its products. The parameters and their estimated values are:
Fixed costs $10,000
Material cost per unit = $0.15
Labor cost per unit = $0.10
Revenue per unit = $0.65
Note that fixed cost is incurred regardless of the amount produced. Per-unit material and labor cost
together make up the variable cost per unit. Assuming that Cox Electric sells all the products it
produces, profit is calculated by subtracting the fixed cost and total variable cost from total
Prepare an Excel file with the following computations
1. Implement a model for calculating profit in Excel. If Cox Electric makes 12,000 units of the
new product, what is the resulting profit?
2. Construct a One-Way Data Table with production volume as the column input and profit as
the output. Vary production volume from 0 to 100,000 in increments of 10,000. In which
interval of production volume does breakeven occur? (Hint: Breakeven occurs when profit
goes from a negative to a positive value; that is, breakeven is when total revenue = total cost,
yielding a profit of zero.)
3. Construct a Two-Way Data Table with production volume as the column input, material cost
per unit as the row input, and profit as the output. Vary production volume from 0 to 100,000
in increments of 10,000. Vary material cost per unit with values $0.15, $0.20, $0.25, and $0.30.
4. Use Goal Seek to find the exact breakeven point. Use the values in Question 1 as the estimated
values of the parameters. (Assign Set cell: equal to the location of profit, To value: = 0, and
By changing cell: equal to the location of the production volume in
your model.)
Transcribed Image Text:Cox Electric makes electronic components. The Excel file coxelectric.xlsx contains estimations for a new design of one of its products. The parameters and their estimated values are: Fixed costs $10,000 Material cost per unit = $0.15 Labor cost per unit = $0.10 Revenue per unit = $0.65 Note that fixed cost is incurred regardless of the amount produced. Per-unit material and labor cost together make up the variable cost per unit. Assuming that Cox Electric sells all the products it produces, profit is calculated by subtracting the fixed cost and total variable cost from total revenue. Prepare an Excel file with the following computations 1. Implement a model for calculating profit in Excel. If Cox Electric makes 12,000 units of the new product, what is the resulting profit? 2. Construct a One-Way Data Table with production volume as the column input and profit as the output. Vary production volume from 0 to 100,000 in increments of 10,000. In which interval of production volume does breakeven occur? (Hint: Breakeven occurs when profit goes from a negative to a positive value; that is, breakeven is when total revenue = total cost, yielding a profit of zero.) 3. Construct a Two-Way Data Table with production volume as the column input, material cost per unit as the row input, and profit as the output. Vary production volume from 0 to 100,000 in increments of 10,000. Vary material cost per unit with values $0.15, $0.20, $0.25, and $0.30. 4. Use Goal Seek to find the exact breakeven point. Use the values in Question 1 as the estimated values of the parameters. (Assign Set cell: equal to the location of profit, To value: = 0, and By changing cell: equal to the location of the production volume in your model.)
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