(a) The circuit shown in Figure 1 can be used to measure the resistance of a platinum resistance thermometer (PRT). AB is a uniform resistance wire of length 1.00 m and C is a sliding contact on this wire. A standard resistor R is included in the circuit. The position of C is adjusted until the voltmeter V reads zero. A PRT 4₁ Figure 1 For use in question 4. F 1 D C R B (i) _By applying Kirchhoff's laws to loops ADCA and BCDB, deduce an expression for the resistance of the PRT in terms of l₁, l and the value of the standard resistor. = (ii) The PRT consists of 9.00 m of wire of diameter 8.5 × 10-2 mm. The voltmeter reads 0 V when ₁ 0.415 m. If the standard resistor, R, has a resistance of 220 N, what is the resistivity of platinum? Show that you have checked that the value for the resistivity and its unit are sensible. (b) Indicate briefly what factors might affect the precision of the measurement when using such a simple circuit to measure the resistance of the PRT.

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Your Question:
(a) The circuit shown in Figure 1 can be used to measure the resistance of a
platinum resistance thermometer (PRT). AB is a uniform resistance
wire of length 1.00 m and C is a sliding contact on this wire. A standard
resistor R is included in the circuit. The position of C is adjusted until
the voltmeter V reads zero.
Figure 1 For use in question 4.
(i) _By applying Kirchhoff's laws to loops ADCA and BCDB, deduce
an expression for the resistance of the PRT in terms of l₁, l and the
value of the standard resistor.
(ii) The PRT consists of 9.00 m of wire of diameter 8.5 × 10-2 mm.
The voltmeter reads 0 V when ₁ 0.415 m. If the standard
resistor, R, has a resistance of 220 N, what is the resistivity of
platinum? Show that you have checked that the value for the
resistivity and its unit are sensible.
(b) Indicate briefly what factors might affect the precision of the
measurement when using such a simple circuit to measure the resistance
of the PRT.
Transcribed Image Text:(a) The circuit shown in Figure 1 can be used to measure the resistance of a platinum resistance thermometer (PRT). AB is a uniform resistance wire of length 1.00 m and C is a sliding contact on this wire. A standard resistor R is included in the circuit. The position of C is adjusted until the voltmeter V reads zero. A PRT 4₁ Figure 1 For use in question 4. F 1 D C R B (i) _By applying Kirchhoff's laws to loops ADCA and BCDB, deduce an expression for the resistance of the PRT in terms of l₁, l and the value of the standard resistor. = (ii) The PRT consists of 9.00 m of wire of diameter 8.5 × 10-2 mm. The voltmeter reads 0 V when ₁ 0.415 m. If the standard resistor, R, has a resistance of 220 N, what is the resistivity of platinum? Show that you have checked that the value for the resistivity and its unit are sensible. (b) Indicate briefly what factors might affect the precision of the measurement when using such a simple circuit to measure the resistance of the PRT.