Review the text in bold. To be strong, a people must be self-reliant, self-ruled, self-sustained. The dependence of one people upon another, even for the benefits of legislation, is the deepest source of national weakness. By an unnatural law dependence exempts a people from their just duties-their just responsibilities. When you exempt a people from these duties, from these responsibilities, you generate in them a distrust in their own powers. Dependence incapacitates, if not utterly destroys, a spirit that must be cultivated by responsibility and duty. If this spirit of duty does not exist, the country may be tranquil, but it will not be prosperous. It may exist, but it will not thrive. It may hold together, but it will not advance. Peace it may enjoy, for peace and serfdom are compatible. But, my lord, it will neither accumulate wealth, nor win a character. It will neither benefit nor instruct mankind. Adapted from Thomas Francis Meagher, "On Abhorring the Sword" In the text in bold, what rhetorical strategy does Thomas Francis Meagher use? He uses sentences with similar structure. He makes use of a symbol. He gives a vivid description. Submit

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Review the text in bold.
To be strong, a people must be self-reliant, self-ruled, self-sustained. The
dependence of one people upon another, even for the benefits of legislation, is the
deepest source of national weakness.
By an unnatural law dependence exempts a people from their just duties-their just
responsibilities. When you exempt a people from these duties, from these
responsibilities, you generate in them a distrust in their own powers. Dependence
incapacitates, if not utterly destroys, a spirit that must be cultivated by
responsibility and duty. If this spirit of duty does not exist, the country may be
tranquil, but it will not be prosperous. It may exist, but it will not thrive. It
may hold together, but it will not advance. Peace it may enjoy, for peace and
serfdom are compatible. But, my lord, it will neither accumulate wealth, nor win a
character. It will neither benefit nor instruct mankind.
Adapted from Thomas Francis Meagher, "On Abhorring the Sword"
In the text in bold, what rhetorical strategy does Thomas Francis Meagher use?
He uses sentences with similar structure.
He makes use of a symbol.
He gives a vivid description.
Transcribed Image Text:Review the text in bold. To be strong, a people must be self-reliant, self-ruled, self-sustained. The dependence of one people upon another, even for the benefits of legislation, is the deepest source of national weakness. By an unnatural law dependence exempts a people from their just duties-their just responsibilities. When you exempt a people from these duties, from these responsibilities, you generate in them a distrust in their own powers. Dependence incapacitates, if not utterly destroys, a spirit that must be cultivated by responsibility and duty. If this spirit of duty does not exist, the country may be tranquil, but it will not be prosperous. It may exist, but it will not thrive. It may hold together, but it will not advance. Peace it may enjoy, for peace and serfdom are compatible. But, my lord, it will neither accumulate wealth, nor win a character. It will neither benefit nor instruct mankind. Adapted from Thomas Francis Meagher, "On Abhorring the Sword" In the text in bold, what rhetorical strategy does Thomas Francis Meagher use? He uses sentences with similar structure. He makes use of a symbol. He gives a vivid description. Submit