
1.1 Explain The Difference Between Healthy And Secure Attachments

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A healthy or secure attachment develops over time because of a caregiver’s consistent, sensitive care that they have towards a young child. Each time a caregiver interacts in ways that focus fully on the individual child, it furthers connections. When a caregiver attempts to read a baby’s cues and tries to respond to the child’s needs and wishes, the baby learns the caregiver is a source of comfort and security. Children with secure attachments learn that their world is a safe place because the people in it are caring and understanding. They also learn that their ways of communicating result in others responding and understanding them. This reinforces their efforts to continue to express themselves to others. Consistent back-and-forth exchanges that happen over time are one of the ways to build positive relationships. Children with secure attachments feel confident in exploring their environment, which allows them to learn. It’s the accumulation of intimacy during these numerous interactions that turns ordinary tasks into a relationship-based curriculum. Every young child has unique ways of communicating his or her needs. Babies develop trust and emotional security when their needs are met promptly in a positive, and caring manner. As a childcare provider, it …show more content…

Each personal care routine provides an opportunity for a cooperative, communicative interaction. The teacher gains insight into the pace and abilities of the individual child as they work together to accomplish a task. The essence of personalized care is that a child receives the message that she is important, that her needs will be met, and that her choices, preferences, and interests will be respected. Following a child’s unique rhythms and style promotes development of a positive sense of self and well-being and supports the child’s growing ability to

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