
A Critical Reflection On Road With The Nsw Ambulance Service

Better Essays

Introduction to the essay
This Critical reflection will be looking at a case I have been to while on road with the Queensland Ambulance Service and analysing the leadership used in the case. I will be using the Gibbs reflective model for this Critical reflection (1)
Define leadership
Leadership can be defined as the action of leading a group of people or an organisation, or the ability to do this. Northouse’s definition of leadership can be related to the pre hospital paramedic setting and is “A process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”(2) While a leader is defined as a person who guides or directs a group.
Define the competency standards used
The main competency standards used in this case was Professional practice and clinical practice that included;
Understand the principle of consent as it applies in the community emergency health setting. (3) As the patient was unconscious he could not willingly consent to vital medical treatment so it is assumed that they would want the required treatment to save their life.
Practise as an autonomous professional, exercising their own professional judgement. (3) By practicing as an autonomous professional it allowed the lead paramedic to made quick professional judgments on the case allowing quick treatment for the time critical case.
Collaborate effectively in inter-professional practice.(3) By collaborating with the nursing staff and doctors at the local hospital the lead paramedic was

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