Thank you for providing me the opportunity to review this collaborative proposal submitted by Georgia Tech and Northwester U entitled: “Workshop on Acquiring and Sharing Data within the CMMI Research Community,” CMMI - 1652999. This workshop aims at accomplishing goals related to data infrastructure and data access in two of the scientific communities covered by the Division of Civil, Manufacturing and Mechanical Innovation of the NSF’s Directorate for Engineering: those of infrastructure management and innovative materials research. The PIs assert that the meeting will highlight the key issues that must be addressed to realize the full impact and use of “big data” on those research fields. According to the PIs, the workshop will be …show more content…
Addressing two communities with one workshop have the potential of illustrating the inherent challenges of producing guidelines for the “engineering community” as whole, which is so diverse. One important outcome could be to ascertain whether there are opportunities to develop standards that are common across fields, or not. What constitutes data in one field versus another is also an important question that needs to be answered before strategies for curation and storage are developed. For example, for data object identifiers (DOI) to be useful, one needs to develop classifications of data. Are samples included in data? Are the parameters of a simulation part of the “data” that needs to be public? What about the simulation results alone? These are but few of the questions that can only be answered by having this type of focused workshop. Having said that, I am concerned that the PIs have tried to be inclusive of both communities and of data problems of interest to both by mixing the problems and the communities in the proposal narrative instead of clearly distinguishing one from the other and stating how the workshop methodology will help compare and contrast. For example, I am not clear how
CM travel to YMCA in Newark to visit Justin this morning. Upon CM arrival Justin had not come in from dropping a youth of with the shelter staff. CM set at a empty table for at least 5-10 minibus before Justin arrived. Justin was very excited to see CM, he even greeted me with a hug. CM expresses to Justin that I notice he appears to be in a great mood. Justin informs CM that he started opening up and talking to the resident’s ad staff at the shelter. He reports that he is no longer scared of the residents at the shelter nor does he want to leave. Justin expresses to CM that since he started talking to staff and the other residents he has been feeling a lot better. Justin reports going on outing with the other residents and staff. He states
The call to action is clear for EBP and evaluation strategies. To that end, the ten (10) steps applied for framing a simulation informatics infrastructure in the academic environment are presented in this graphic as an approach to outcomes for process evaluation in setting the stage for simulation integration.
Through informational interviews with seven industry experts and a thorough literature review, the team explored the concept of “big data” and generated key insights which will guide the Federation’s approach as the organization develops its members’ data analytics capacities. Additionally, the team identified a clear business case for implementing data analytics at CDCUs using strategies appropriate for the level of resources within each individual organization. The team also developed a set of survey questions for the client to use when gauging the level of interest and capacity within any individual CDCU.
According to the Government Construction Strategy document in 2011, the “Government will require fully collaborative Level 2 3D BIM (with all project and asset information, documentation and data being electronic) as a mini¬¬¬¬¬mum by 2016.”
Therefore, the consecutive sections discussed the definition of big data, tools for analyzing big data, data mining, knowledge discovery, visualization and collaborative
Big Data is becoming more meaningful with the ever more powerful data technologies, which enable us to derive insights from the data and help us make decisions. Big Data also creates new courses and professional fields such as the data science and data scientist, which are aimed at analyzing the ever growing volume of data. Some might think this exaggerated because data analysis, after all, not a new invention. However, we might all agree that the progress of digitization associated with the generation of ever larger amounts of data have totally changed the ways we deal with data.
In your business, you have your own big data challenges. You have to turn heaps of data about various entities into actionable information. The reporting needs of institutions have evolved from simple single subject queries to data discovery and enterprise-wide analysis that tells a complete story across the institution. While the volume, variety and velocity of big data seem overwhelming, big data technology solutions hold great promise. The way I see it we can use this as one of the biggest asset for the company. We have the capacity to see patterns recounting in real time across complex systems. Huron is marshalling its resources to bring smarter computing to big data. With the Huron big data platform, we are enabling our clients to manage data in ways that were never thought possible before.
The fundamental challenge was the heterogeneity of scientific disciplines and technologies that needed to cooperate to accomplish this goal, and the necessity of getting all stakeholders to cooperate in its development. A compounding factor is that while technology evolves rapidly, people’s habits, work practices, cultural attitudes towards data sharing, and willingness to use other’s data, all evolve more slowly. How the relationship of people to the infrastructure evolves determines whether it succeeds or fails.
Wikidata is a central repository collecting structured data via collaborative online communities. It has provided sup- port for the content of Wikipedia and as well as other sites1. Like many other projects that rely on contributions from volunteer users, Wikidata content are largely edited by vol- unteers (more than fifteen thousand active users2) from di- verse locations, backgrounds and skill levels. It is inevitable there is demand in understanding the quality and trustwor- thiness of Wikidata. One thing sets Wikidata apart from other linked open data repository is its focus on curating sourced data which makes each statement verifiable. How- ever, the reality is not only there are a large number of statements without any references, but also there is no over- all view of how good the sources are for the statements with references.
Firstly, the main problem is deciding which data should be selected. The data, explaining customers’ desires and needs, is important to be collected while most of the enterprises are confusing about what data they should concentrate on. A recent Gartner report (2014) stresses that 64% of firms raced to plan or launch a Big Data project, though they did not have enough professional knowledge yet. To understand what customers need through Big Data possibly turns into the core of companies’ target. The large data volumes and different varieties of data lead to data complexity.
Big data is certainly one of the biggest buzz phrases in it today. The term ’Big Data’ appeared for first time in 1998 in a Silicon Graphics (SGI) slide deck by John Mashey with the title of ”Big Data and the Next Wave of InfraStress” [9]. -Combined with virtualization and cloud computing, big data is a technological capability that will force data centers to significantly transform and evolve within the next five years. Similar to virtualization, big data infrastructure is unique and can create an architectural upheaval in the way systems, storage, and software infrastructure are connected and managed. Big data is an amalgam of large and varieties of data sets including structured data, semi structured data and unstructured data so it’s beyond the capability of traditional tools to capture, store, process and analysis of big data. It is true that big data have capability of unlocking new sources of development in many fields but at the same time researchers are being confronted challenges with big data. This paper reveals the various challenges faced with big data and opportunities realized with big data. Keywords: Big data, Challenges, Opportunities, Security Issues.
Big data is a popular term used to describe the exponential growth and availability of data, both structured and unstructured. And big data may be as important to business – and society – as the Internet has become. Why? More data may lead to more accurate analyses. More accurate analyses may lead to more confident decision making. And better decisions can mean greater operational efficiencies.
Tom Davenport, an author specializing in business intelligence, analytics and business process innovation, defines big data in his recently authored book “Big Data at Work: Dispelling the Myths, Uncovering the Opportunities” as “The broad range of new and massive data types that have appeared over the last decade or so.”
Big data is not as new as many people believe it to be. It is actually a concept that has been around for almost a century. It is just the “same old data marketers have always used, and it’s not all that big, and it’s something we should be embracing, not fearing” (Arthur). In 1944, Fremont Rider “predicted that the amount of data in the world would increase exponentially” (Hopp). Rider was right on target with his prediction seventy years ago. Data has grown much greater than he probably could have ever imagined back then.
Five years ago, few people had heard the phrase ‘Big Data.’ Today, it’s hard to go an hour without seeing it implemented practically in our daily life. The promise of a highly accurate data-driven decision-making tool is an attractive lure for any organization in any industry. However, big data is not without its own problems.