
Abuse Of Power In Macbeth

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Macbeth wants to have the highest authority in Scotland and his ambition has caused him to go to the extremes. Such as hiring people to kill people for him. Macbeth has a hypocritical mindset. For example, he finds it normal to kill in a battle, but he disapproves of killing people in order to protect his status in society.He was forced to Kill King Duncan because of Lady Macbeth, but when he wanted Banquo and his son dead he had to hire people to do his dirty work. When he was at war, he was ruthless and fearless, he would carve his path out to kill the Thane. Also, he hired other people because the guilt of killing the King is too much for him to handle. He says,”Methought I heard a voice cry, “Sleep no more!Macbeth does murder sleep”—the …show more content…

His death was caused by him not knowing when to stop asking for more power. He wants to kill Macduff so he can keep his authority. His reliance on the three witches caused him to be lazy in terms of making war plan and have too much confidence causing a lack of reality. At the beginning of the scene his reliance of the witches insured his confidence because he believed the Witches were from God. At first, he thought the Witches were talking lies, but as their prophecy became true, he relied on them. However, after Macduff says that he did not come from his mother, it starts to worry Macbeth because it go against the witches prophecy. The witches says “The power of man, for none of woman born. Shall harm Macbeth.”(4.1.82-83)”. Macduff clearly states that he did not come out of his mother. However he stills wants to fight him because he believes that he can do anything cause he thinks that he is above everybody. When he met Macduff, his first reaction was to kill him because he is an enemy and stands in his way of power. Macbeth has proved through the whole play that he will go to the extremes of killing his friends to maintain

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