
Adult Learning : Learning Styles, Johari Windows, Conflict Management, And What Is Success

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Orientation to Adult Learning is a course that introduces self-awareness to the learner. This course is vital to all adult learners because this is where the learner identifies a pattern in themselves and in the life of other individuals as well. This paper will give the reader an insight on four of the many academic concepts covered in this course that helps equip the adult learner by self-analysis.
Orientation to Adult Learning covers many academic concepts in the weekly readings that were conducted by each adult learner. Academic concepts basically educate the reader on different strategies or plans to help them develop better skills for future success. It is a must that to become a success that every individual is able to identify their own strengths and weaknesses (Bethel University, 2008). The four academic concepts covered in this paper are; Kolb’s Learning Styles, Johari Windows; Conflict Management, and What is Success.
Kolb Learning Styles
Every individual has their own unique way of learning and the path to future success is not only about what we learn but the way we learn. Have you ever wondered why you could not understand something because of the way it was presented to you? Or have you ever wanted to give up on something because you could not get the hang of something? We all have had that problem or still may have that problem that is why it is important to become aware of your learning style.
David Kolb invented the Learning Style Inventory (LSI;

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