
Advantages Of Recycling Washing Machine

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13 Reasons to Recycle Your Washing Machine
Do you have a washing machine that is more than a decade old? Of the 76 million washing machines used in the country today, 25 million are at least 10 years old. The washing machines that were manufactured before 2003 are relatively less efficient than the ones produced now. All these inefficient washing machines, together, cost users more than $2.9 billion in both energy and water.

You need to give up your old and used washing machine as it’s inefficiency is costing you $180 in utility bills, every year! This is the most important reason to recycle your washing machine

The second reason to recycle is to save the environment. Recycling metals saves energy and consumption of raw materials. These …show more content…

You will need to check local regulations for a responsible appliance disposal.
#7. Exchange for an energy efficient model
An energy efficient washing machine will help you save money on your utility bills. A new washing machine that comes with the ENERGY STAR consumes 40 percent less water and close to 25 percent less energy compared to the old less efficient machines.
#8. Benefit the Local Charities
If your washing machine is still in a working condition, you can contact the Red Cross, faith communities or local women’s shelters who will gladly accept appliances that are workable. If your washing machine works well, then you can donate it to an underprivileged family. This is a good alternative and your chance to make a donation, to pay it forward.

#9. Make Stylish Furniture
You can now re-purpose different parts of the washing machine and create unique and useful products for your home. You can create stools or lamps from the washing machine drum. You can also create an outside fireplace with an inverted drum. With a paint job and some effort, salvage the drum as a plant container for your outdoor

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