
Alternative Sources Of Finance For The New Project For Best City Hotel

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Introduction This report will evaluate the various alternatives sources of finance available to fund the new project for Best city hotel; it will explain the various types, methods and classification of costs and their effect on pricing policies, within the tourism industry; Furthermore, the report will include a discussion on the role of management accountants within the context of a travel and tourism industry. In Management accounting, managers are provided with accounting information so that they are informed before making decisions on matters, which supports their management and the performance of roles in control within their organizations. “One simple definition of management accounting is the provision of financial and non-financial decision-making information to managers” Finding analysis Various alternatives sources of finance available to fund the new project According to the Modigliani-Miller Theorem 1953, it does not matter which source of finance you will use, as long as a profit is made. The theorem is the foundation of today’s corporate finance. Capital structure of a company is the way a company finances its assets. A company can finance its operations by either debt or equity, or different combinations of these two sources. Capital structure of a company can have majority of debt components or majority of equity, only one of the two components or an equal mix of both debt and equity (Modigliani and miller, 1953) Sources of finance

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