
Ancient Egypt Research Paper

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Egypt: The Wonder of the Ancient World Ancient Egypt, one of the most successful and spectacular civilizations in human history, has been studied by modern day scholars for its amazing accomplishments. Lasting for over 3,000 years, this civilization thrived in the Nile River Valley and grew to be a united kingdom with pharaohs, merchants, artisans, priests, teachers, and farmers. It can be argued that Egypt was the most highly advanced civilization of the time due to their stunning architecture, strong central government, and complex worldview that was highly optimistic and positive. Much of the architecture of the ancient Egyptians is still standing today, 5,000 years later. There are over 80 pyramids known to have been built as tombs for the pharaohs and their queens ( The three biggest pyramids that are still standing today in Giza are the most well-known of all the pyramids, and have been studied by engineers, historians and even astronomers. In order to build such amazing structures, it takes great organization and leadership. The pyramids could not have been built without a highly advanced knowledge of engineering. “Approximately 2.3 million blocks of stone (averaging about 2.5 tons each) had to be cut, transported and assembled to build Khufu’s Great Pyramid” (// This quotation clearly demonstrates that building the Great Pyramid of

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