
Annotated Bibliography Essay

Decent Essays

Lauren Uhl
Writ 116
Section 4
Annotated Bibliography

Kuo-Chin Hung, Dee Pei, Hsin-Jen Kuo, Tein-Hsiang Chen, Chin-Hao Lin, Chung-Ze Wu, Te-Lin Hsia, CHing-Chieh Su, Fone-Ching Hsiao, Chieh-Hua Lu (2008). The Comparison of the Metabolic Syndrome Between Chinese Vegetarians and Omnivores. Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research and Reviews, 2: 99-104.
Hung, Pei, Kuo et al. measured the effect of a vegetarian diet on metabolic syndrome; often used for identifying people at risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The study used 71 vegetarian and 388 omnivores. Measurements were taken such as waist and hip circumference, weight, height and BMI. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure were measured using sphygmomanometers on the …show more content…

For the China Study Part 1, Researchers T. Colin Campbell, Banoo Parpia, and Junshi Chen collected mortality data for about 50 diseases from 65 counties in 130 villages. In each village blood, food, and urine samples were taken from 50 adults in order to analyze for toxic chemical, hormonal ,viral, and nutritional variables. Campbell, Parpia, and Chen showed that in China compared to the United States, fat intake was almost half of that consumed United States China also had three times more fiber intake, lower blood cholesterol, lower BMI, higher energy intake, and lower rate of obesity and lower cases of Coronary Artery Disease while only consuming 10% of the meat that the United States does. Campbell, Parpia, and Chen demonstrated that the morality rate from Coronary heart disease and other diseases was positively associated with salt intake and plasma apolipoprotein B which was associated with animal protein intake, meat intake and inversely correlated with plant protein intake as well as legumes and light colored vegetables. It should be noted that the data for this study was a combination of observational and

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