
Anxiety Disorders In Canada

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Anxiety is a disorder that affects one in every four Canadians, which is 25 percent of the population. More than 27 percent of those people say their anxiety impacts their daily lives “quite a bit” or “extremely.”

Anxiety is a common disorder that should be taken seriously. People who have an anxiety disorder usually treat it with prescribed anti-anxiety medication; some also attend therapy. Did you know medical marijuana can treat anxiety as well?
What Is an Anxiety Disorder?
An anxiety disorder is a mental illness. There are many types of anxiety disorders, such as phobias, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, etc. Anyone can get an anxiety disorder, regardless of age or gender.
It’s normal for everyone to feel a certain level of anxiety in certain situations. For example, when you start a new job or are worried about an upcoming move, it’s normal to be a bit anxious. …show more content…

Anxiety disorders are typically uncontrollable, can induce panic in a person, and can greatly impact a person’s life. A person who has an anxiety disorder can’t calm down and is usually so anxious during one of their episodes that they become irrational. Anxiety disorders can also introduce physical symptoms like a racing heart, shaking, crying, and hyperventilating. They can even mimic the pain of a heart attack.
Anxiety disorders usually occur due to a specific event or a stressful experience, though sometimes, they can occur with seemingly no rhyme or reason. Anxiety disorders impact a person’s life—sometimes significantly—but there are various treatment options available. The most common include prescription drugs and

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