
Arrogance In Macbeth

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Macbeth Rough Draft In Macbeth, a brutal tragedy by William Shakespeare, the author explores how when gone unchecked, power can corrupt all those surrounded by it. Lady Macbeth’s lust for power and Macbeth’s impressionable arrogance ultimately cost them their lives, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Notably, after hearing from Macbeth the witches prophecy, Lady Macbeth becomes obsessed with the idea of her husband becoming king. Willing to risk anything she formulates a plan and aggressively pushes Macbeth to murder King Duncan, insulting and manipulating him until he agrees. She chastises Macbeth, insulting his manhood and insisting that “when durst do it, then you were a man”. Lady Macbeth manipulates her husband into thinking …show more content…

Instead, Lady Macbeth’s primal greed damned Macbeth to tragic failure.
Alongside his wife’s fiendish greed is how influenceable Macbeth truly was, dooming him from the very start. His morals change rapidly throughout the play, starting as a heroic soldier and ending as a treasonous tyrant. Swayed easily by the witches and his wife, Macbeth’s desperation to prove himself and control his fate transform into a numbing sense of entitlement. Macbeth becomes blind to his arrogance- and the subsequent consequences. When Macbeth first spoke to the witches, he is horrified by violent thoughts and vows that “if chance have me king, why, chance may crown me without my stir”, intending to let whatever happens to happen. Instead, after speaking to his wife Macbeth decides to take fate into his own hands, killing King Duncan and launching himself towards madness. Perhaps with a stronger sense of self Macbeth would have stood up to his wife, or realized taking advice from witches was unwise. Ironically Macbeth only starts making his OWN decisions out of paranoia of losing the throne, a situation he would not have been put in should he have made wiser decisions from the very beginning. In the same token, after getting a taste of power both Macbeth and his wife are

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