
Blood Out The Unfortunately Milko Film Analysis

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The film industry has degraded man into believing that in order to be cool/masculine you must act like a thug,businessmen, and make bank. In other words you must copy what you see in the movies in order to be called a man. Which can mean anything from selling drugs, fighting, sleeping with random girls, bodybuilding, joining a gang etc. This stupidity has caused an increase in violent crimes, increase in prison, increase in high school dropouts, and caused so much pain towards man. I will be addressing Adorno and Horkheimer comment of the negative effect of mass consumerism that movies cause. I will also discuss Sullivan fandom by indicating the imation and messages the audience take form these films. In the movie Blood in Blood out the …show more content…

Like all Hispanic males arrested Milko became a product of the system. Which means he became another number, that is worth approximately 50k a year. There Miklo meant hardcore gangster from La Onda, there leader Montana. Miklo faced discrimination among his Latino peers since he looked white. He had other Hispanics tell him to join the AV’ers/Aryans. He meet a man by the name of Al who wanted to use him for sex which Miklo later killed. He knew being Hispanic wasn't about color is about your mentality and having pride form where you came from. After that Milko started selling drugs in the prison and the gang La Onda expanded. After being denied probation he was released nine years later in his hearing. He saw the world moved on without him. His cousin Paco was a police officer and he had to work an unskilled job. He was taken advantage of since his boss had gambling debt and took it out of his paycheck. Milko could not do anything about it so he want to gang life style. Milko tried to steal narcotics but was shot by his cousin Paco and sent back to San Quentin. There he became leader of La Onda after Montana was killed by false hit. Milko made a deal with the Black Guerilla Army to kill the AV'ers in Dia de los Muertos just to kill of both gangs. Miklo family moved on without him and his gang was split …show more content…

For example in the movie Blood in Blood out Montana said that the prison system is racist, it divides inmates by color with a hope they will kill each other (primarily Black and Latinos). Some youths feel like since they come from a certain place they should act like they're expected to. Most are just posers who don't even know about the code. The code is the lifestyle the real gangster lived by example you are willing to die and kill for your brother. Another example if someone kills your brother you're expected to kill that person as well as their family. The difference between Latino gangs as opposed to there Black White and Asian counterpart is we take things to the extreme and tend to be most violent. The biggest gang in the world is 18 street and the most dangerous is MS 13 both Hispanic. This makes it harder for someone who is living, or grow up with this because they don't think rise above poverty and end the cycle of

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