Introduction Bolivia is located in the heart of South America, with the Andes Mountains surrounding north to south throughout the country and the famous Lake Titicaca is the highest body of water in the world. They have a population of about 10 million people, making Bolivia one of the least populated nations in the Western Hemisphere. Bolivia is a landlocked nation, meaning they are entirely enclosed by land, boarded by Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Chile, and Peru. Bolivia is also known for being the only country for having two recognized capitals: Sucre (constitutional) and La Paz (administrative). The purpose of this research paper is to get a better understanding of Bolivia by covering their cultural environment. I will go into further detail about Bolivia’s language, religion, arts and entertainment, food, social customs and rituals, and values.
Language Bolivia has 30 official languages. The main three spoken languages are Spanish, Quechua, and Aymara. Approximately one third of the population speak Spanish as their native tongue. Spanish is mostly used in schooling, business, and government. The other two, Quechua and Aymara come from Indian decent. Most of the Quechua speaking natives live near Cochabamba and Sucre. The Aymara speaking natives live near La Paz and Lake Titicaca. It is uncommon for the groups who speak the different languages to be around one another even if Spanish is their second language. Bolivians are very protective of their own traditions.
The purpose of this paper is to describe the explored cultural and social experiences of the Peruvian people in the United States. As the 11th-largest from the total Hispanic population in the United States, Peruvians warrant a cultural investigation (Ennis et al., 2011). Hispanic communities are increasing and their social differences are vast. One cannot consider cultural competence without surveying the multiple populations within the large Hispanic population in the United States.
The capital of Bolivia is La Paz. Bolivia is the most impecunious country in South America, which is depressing, but things have gotten better over the past 20 years. La Paz is the highest capital in the world, sitting about 12,000 feet above sea level. La Paz translates to “the peace,” which is abbreviated for “the Peace of Ayacucho.” They had an unscrupulous government, taking money from our people, affecting its economy in a terrible way. Bolivia has the second biggest area of natural gas in South America and also has El Mutun, which is the world’s biggest amount of magnesium and iron, but it is difficult for people to utilize our crops to acquire richness because of its terrible environment and horrible government. The Peace of Ayacucho
In The Hold Life Has: Coca and Cultural Identity in an Andean Community, Catherine Allen describes several rituals. As an outsider, while reading and learning about the rituals one thing was quite obvious, community reciprocity is the driving organizing dynamic for Andean culture. Furthermore, it is evident that Andean’s are drawn as a group into a shared communion with the Earth, with the Sacred Places, and with the ancestral dead. Carnival Time is an example of a shared communion or common focus that depicts the descent, locality, religion, and political factionalism that define this indigenous group of people.
Culture differences is a set of cultural values, beliefs and religious beliefs that separates one society/ country from another. Although the main elements of culture includes, language, religion, education, social structure and attitudes. In this essay I will discuss how a successful business like Toyota which operates internationally can be affected by the environment and culture of Bolivia.
Likewise the Andean society that unequivocally encountered its European set of relatives of a society of Caribbean which is a mix of Indian and African legacy; bases of African society with the pacific society and Orinoquia society and Amazon society which is essentially an Indian. This mind boggling mix of American and European set of relatives is not just explained in the custom of nation albeit likewise involves a few masterful ground, for example, crafted works, cooking styles, construction modeling, figure, painting, writing, film, photography, music, move, theater and some more. Colombian society is the summation of topographical destinations, its colonizers, religious groups and numerous different things. All these have noteworthy appearance in the way of life and religion of Colombian individuals. Alongside this, these things likewise impacted the dialect and different parts of Colombian life. But that hasn't stopped the country dwellers from living their festive lives,
The geography of Bolivia is unique among the nations of South America. Bolivia is one of two landlocked countries on the continent (the other being Paraguay), and Bolivia is more urban (67%) than rural (23%). The main features of Bolivia's geography include the Altiplano, a highland plateau of the Andes, and Lake Titicaca, the highest navigable lake on Earth, which is shared with Peru.
The American Revolution did much more than any of our founding fathers had ever imagined, it started a movement that would threaten the very roots of colonialism across the globe. Setting an example of how a David could overcome a Goliath, the United States inspired regions such as Latin America to fight for their rights and liberties as well. One such region that embraced the message was Upper Peru, which would later be known as Bolivia. With some key tipping points that caused the war, the leaders of the soon to be formed nation rallied its troops and won several major battles, but even they couldn’t prevent the tough times that lay in the early years of the nation. From the year 1809, Upper Peru was engaged in a
1. Bolivia has two capital cities: La Paz (the administrative capital) and Sucre (the judicial capital).
The Inca were a great civilization who lived in the Andes long ago. They worshipped many deities including the mighty Viracocha (Veera-coach-a) and his children, Inti (In-tee), Mama Quilla (Mama kill-uh), and Pachamama (Paka-mama). This report’s purpose is to inform you about this civilization’s people’s religion.
Spanish is a significant joining power in the Mexican American community. Mexican Americans will not forget their native tongue; though equally, English and Spanish are spoken in
Sweat beaded down my back as I paused to think about where I could use the bathroom. I turned around to see my host mother carefully and swiftly picking the coca leaves one by one and stuffing them into a bag that was tied around her waist. The voice of Jorge Medina, an afro-Bolivian advocate echoed from the radio next to her. “The government has taken significant steps to recognize the Afro-Bolivian population in the census, but more work still needs to be done. In many of rural areas Afro-Bolivians still do not have access to quality education and even learning their history in schools. Many Afro-Bolivian farmers do not have clean water in their homes or do not have bathrooms.” Just then my host mother looked up at me. Slightly embarrassed I asked, her“where can I use the bathroom.” She pointed to a bush nearby, “make sure you go quickly and duck so no one sees you.
In this Ethnographic paper, I will be interviewing and discussing the differences between my culture and that of another. My culture consists of two-parts, one being Puerto Rican and the other being Caucasian. I will be interviewing my best friend’s mother Cristina Carlesso Dager, who is from Venezuela. South American culture consists of many influences due to the arrival of the Europeans; Europeans cultures brought a mix of Spanish, Portuguese, and French creating what we know today as Latin America. This paper will highlight key topics discussed in class like kinship, political and social organization, food, clothing, religion, etc. From this interview, I want to gain a new-found knowledge of what is like to be from a different culture then my own. I will interview Mrs. Dager with no bias and will cover every subject to my capability. I am interested in discovering the differences between our cultures, so that I can be aware of this diverse world that I live in.
The media portrays different exceptionalities within different movies. Cinema seems to be one of, if not the most, viewed media resources today and has the largest influence on how different exceptionalities are viewed. Autism spectrum disorder is one of the main exceptionality portrayed in the movie industry. Rain Man established a new standard for the realistic representation of autism.
“The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your dreams,” Oprah Winfrey once stated (Bodnick). Oprah started her immense adventure at a young age and is still on it. Even though there were many hills and bumps on her adventure, she has so far succeeded in achieving anything she has ever wanted. By always trying and never giving up, Winfrey is now an icon around the world, and she lives the life that she dreamed about as a child. Oprah is an American legend because she overcame a troublesome childhood, was successful in television shows, movies, and literature, and now influences today’s society in many ways.
Virtue ethics is considered as one of the three major approaches in normative ethics. The founding fathers of Virtue ethics are Plato and more particularly Aristotle. “It suffered a momentary eclipse during the nineteenth century but re-emerged in the late 1950’s in Anglo-American philosophy” (Virtue Ethics , 2012). The re-emergence had an effect on the other two approaches. The consequence of this is the fact that is now necessary to distinguish “virtue ethics” from “virtue theory. Kant’s virtue theory has conveyed philosophers’ attention to Kant’s “Doctrine of Virtue” and the utilitarian’s have developed consequentialist virtue theories. “A virtue such as honesty or generosity is not just a tendency to do what is honest or generous, nor