
Case Study Coun 646

Good Essays

Case Study 1
Tonia Meyers
Liberty University

Case Study 1 Donald is a fifty-four-year-old male with a wife, children, and several grandchildren. Donald’s symptoms started approximately thirty years ago and have been increasing in severity. Documenting the critical issues, diagnostic impressions, and treatment recommendations are imperative to successfully helping the client deal with the issues and possibly minimize the risk of future relapse in recovery. Addressing the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects will help to guide the therapist through developing the most accurate treatment model for the patient.
Key Issues Listing the key issues through priority, rationale, and documenting possible treatment …show more content…

The depression is concerning as it lasts for a considerable amount of time after each worry session and takes away his pleasure in his usual activities. Because Daniel's anxiety only led him toward having heart attack like symptoms twice in the past this is not considered a consistent symptom. To be diagnosed a specific disorder, the symptoms should be reoccurring. His family showing concerns for Daniels behavior proves the validity of an ongoing illness.
Possible Treatment Treatment options for Daniel would include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), relaxation techniques, and exposure treatments. Medications can also be prescribed. Medications most commonly used would be sedatives, minor tranquilizers, anxiolytics, benzodiazepines, and antidepressants. Other common medications are the serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSRI’s) (Kring, Johnson, Davison, & Neale, 2014).
Diagnostic Impression Daniel will be diagnosed with the DSM-V category anxiety disorders. “Anxiety disorders share features of excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral disturbances” (American Psychoanalytic Association, 2013). Daniel is diagnosed with general anxiety disorder (GAD). The DSM-V outlines the following features for Daniels illness: A. Excessive anxiety and worry, occurring more days than not for at least six months. B. Individual cannot control

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