
Case Study : My Client & Give A Brief Synopsis Of The Case / History

Decent Essays

Case Study 2
Identify your client & give a brief synopsis of the case/history: Helen Stonewall is a married 32-year-old African American female. Helen was brought into see me because she had to be removed from the middle of the street by the police where she was dancing in the middle of the city street half naked at 2am without having any sense of danger. Just before that she removed from a bar where she was dancing on the table and ignoring the bartenders request to get down. Helen had consumed only two drinks before these acts were committed her medical evaluation concludes that there was no excessive use of drugs. She said, “that she was high on life”.
Identify client strengths & sources of support: Although Helen did some very …show more content…

According to APA, 2013 Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness in which common emotions become intensely and often unpredictably magnified. Individuals with bipolar disorder can quickly swing from extremes of happiness, energy and clarity to sadness, fatigue and confusion. Helen stated that sometimes when she is on certain mood she can stay up all night, don’t eat or drink and then after a couple of weeks she crashes. No further medical issues noted.
Identify environmental & cultural factors that may be associated with client 's current state: Helen was previously at a bar. Which means that at most bars dancing and drinking is tolerated. So she was at the correct place to engage in those activity’s. It wasn’t until she stood on the table and started talking loudly before she was escorted out of the bar. She then commuted to the street from the bar to continue dancing, but she did this in the middle of the street. Helen was in the correct atmosphere to engage in the activities she did at first, she just had a hard time knowing when enough was enough. Similar to being over confident, which was a contributing factor to her arrest. The gentlemen that she was with could have played a role in the environment factor because they could have encouraged her to behave in a disruptive matter.
Identify a target for intervention: Helen recurrent mood episodes and suicidal ideation needs to be addressed immediately. Her moods episodes

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