Why should you choose Dr. Daines?
Choosing the right plastic surgeon is extremely important when you are opting for a cosmetic treatment for your face and body. Our Orange County cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery specialist, Steven M. Daines is a double board certified M.D. in Newport Beach. With years of experience in advanced facial cosmetic surgery, rhinoplasty and face lift surgeries, Dr. Daines is an expert in this field today. Certainly, he can be your plastic surgeon for facial and reconstructive surgeries. His approach to plastic and reconstructive surgery is more than a surgical rejuvenation procedure. He always aims at offering each patient a personalized treatment within a welcoming environment. Today, he offers both surgical
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However, many of us still feel that this facial rejuvenation approach is not a safe approach. It is important to know details about the procedure, its possible side effects and recovery time before opting for this procedure.
Botox treatment is extremely safe and with minimal side effects if administered well. A treatment with Botox takes five to seven days before showing any effective results. Common side effects that many patients experience include swelling, minor pain at the injection site and slight bruising. Plastic surgeons suggest not rubbing the area for a few days in order to avoid skin problems. In a very few cases, Botox can migrate to certain unintended area and cause droopy skin. However, it is scientifically proven that too much Botox at a site can cause such a problem. Therefore, patients should reveal their past Botox treatment plans to their surgeon before opting for another injection. Another reason of droopy eyelids can be because of the injections being too close to inner skin and muscles. For the past 30 years, Botox is used widely as a safe anti-wrinkle therapy procedure.
Recent stir about the safety of botulinium toxin is closely reviewed by the FDA. There are some reported cases of breathing and swallowing problems in cerebral palsy patients under a certain age. A detailed review report on this reveals that botulinium-based drugs are quite different from the botulinium based injections used for Botox. While the former is widely
Tired of that deep line in between your eyebrows? How about those bothersome crow’s feet that make you look older than you’d like? Fortunately, Botox, short for Botulinum toxin, can help with that. Forehead furrows—the horizontal lines that can show up in your forehead—can also disappear with the help of a few injections. Botox can also do more than just make wrinkles disappear; it has been shown to reduce the symptoms of a variety of different medical conditions, including migraines, muscle contractures, lazy eye, cervical dystonia, hyperhidrosis, and bladder dysfunction.
Through my research I found that Botox, the trade name for Botulinum Toxin type A, is a "neuromuscular junction blocking agent produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum" ("Botulinum Toxin"). In other words, Botox is derived from the same poisonous bacterium which causes botulism - a deadly food poisoning. The Botox works "by blocking the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which results in muscle weakness. It does not alter the muscle or the nerve, but prevents the relay of information between the two" ("Botulinum Toxin"). Therefore, Botox is beneficial in the treatment of wrinkles and frown lines because it causes specific muscles to relax, which in turn lessens the lines of facial expressions. Because Botox relaxes specific muscles, it is also used to treat a variety of medical conditions dealing with muscle spasms.
Facelift remains one of the most popular and effective facial rejuvenation procedures to date, and for good reason. One reason many people get the procedure is they don’t want their face to look perpetually tired.
Botox consists of injections of botulin toxin, a poison that paralyzes the muscles. Some side effects include eye drooping, headaches, reduced blinking, and nausea that could last up to a couple of months. The injection can also cause side effects including facial pain, swelling, redness, and bruising (Flynn). By paralyzing different facial muscles, Botox may temporarily leave a smoother, wrinkle-free appearance, leaving the patient more confident in their own skin. Botox has short-term side effects that include bruising, allergic reactions, or paralysis of the wrong muscle group. A research study found that Botox might dampen or interfere with the ability to experience emotion in certain situations as well. When the muscle becomes paralyzed, the patient is incapable of moving/flexing those certain muscles in their face causes them to show less emotion physically (Ranoux). This can lead to long-term effects like depression if one keeps up the injections in those facial areas to take away the wrinkles. While this is an extreme case of Botox, there are many incidents that include this kind of reaction and some even concluding with
Botulinium toxin injections. Botulinium toxin is a substance produced by bacteria that causes muscle paralysis. Injecting this toxin into the muscles around the eye may control blepharospasm for up to three months. Injections are done with a tiny needle. They can be repeated as needed.
As plastic surgery is a very delicate operation procedure, you need to choose the surgeon with a decent experience in the field whom you can confidently trust for your look enhancement program.
Botox is a form of injectable and can be beneficial to men and women in more ways than one. And how we can move away from the stigma that it is a vain procedure.
Botox is short for Botulinum Type A Toxin, a protein complex produced by a bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. Botox injection is one of the newest and among the most popular cosmetic procedures for wrinkles. Botox works magically to smooth out facial lines by preventing the muscles that cause frown lines from contracting. Only a tiny amount of this toxin is used in Botox injection for beautification purposes. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), more than 1.6 million people received injection in 2001, which is a 46 percent increased from the previous year.[2]
While the precise causes of Bell's palsy remain to be clinically distinct, doctors have been able to research what goes on inside the face that essentially results in facial paralysis. The 7th cranial nerve, the nerve at the heart of Bell's palsy analysis, is essentially comprised of two distinct sections. These sections run through two very taut bone channels straight beneath each ear, near the jawbone and are accountable for conveying signals from the brain to reverse
1. Some women reported experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety along with panic attacks after getting Botox.
Repetitive facial movements can contribute to the lines and wrinkles that form on the face; however, these issues can be addressed with neuromodulator injections. Neuromodulators used for this purpose include Botox® and Dysport®: Both of which are FDA-approved for use as injectable treatments to relax a variety of facial muscles. For more than two decades, Dysport has been used to address the signs of aging.
Today, Botox is not only used for beauty but is also used to treat a variety of problems, such as migraines, neck pain, excessive sweating, body odor, morbid obesity, carpal tunnel syndrome, stroke paralysis, incontinence and clubfoot in infants to name just a few. It has become a life savor for many people with debilitating disease or disorders. Using Botox as a medical treatment has recently hit close to home when my Mom was diagnosed two years ago with a rare vocal disorder called spasmodic dysphonia. The origin of this disorder was originally thought to be psychoneurotic, but in recent years it has become classified as a movement disorder of the larynx. Spasmodic dysphonia involves uncontrollable “spasms" of the muscles in the vocal cords that cause interruptions in speech which affect the quality of a person’s voice. In the more common type, adductor spasmodic dysphonia (ADSD), vocal cords prematurely tighten when speaking which causes a squeaky high pitch voice. In the type of dysphonia my mom has, abductor spasmodic dysphonia (ABSD), when she talks, her vocal cords don’t close when they are supposed to which results in a breathy, whispery voice. Her voice seemed to get worse over time, it was less able to understand what she was
The common symptoms associated with Botulism include double vision, blurred vision, drooping eyelids, blurred vision, slurred speech, and difficulty swallowing, dry mouth and muscle weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea. After being examined by a doctor his examination may show the gag reflex and the deep tendon reflexes like the knee jerk are either decreased or even absent. Infants who have botulism may appear to be lethargic, weak, and have floppy movements due to muscle weakness and trouble controlling the head. Infants may eat poorly, become constipated, have a weak cry, poor muscle tone and difficulty sucking or feeding. Many of these symptoms are part of the muscle paralysis that is caused by the bacterial neurotoxin. If these symptoms are untreated they may cause paralysis in the various parts of the body. The most often paralysis seen is as the descending paralysis of the arms, legs, trunk and the breathing muscles.
It's important to note that topical anesthesia is applied during these procedures. Some of you might be allergic to or bear side effects to some anesthetics. It's advisable to consult your doctor regarding that before you go in for your procedure.
In a society so consumed by the ideology of beauty, it makes sense as to why so many women these days undergo cosmetic surgery. The definition of beauty has long been obstructed and changed. In the past, if you look at the woman, you will see they are curvy, during this era being thin meant you were poor where as a beautiful and wealthy woman would be plump because she could afford fine dining. As society has changed, being slender has become the new trend, creating the idea that in order to be truly beautiful one must be thin. The movie stars in Hollywood, although most people realize the beautifying changes that are made to the pictures, this idea of 'beauty ' and 'desire ' still lingers in the mind of whoever comes across it. Our society is bombarded with several different ideologies of beauty but beauty is in the eye of the beholder. The beauty standards that have been set should not be what are shaping people around the world and influencing them to go through with plastic surgery. The use of plastic surgery has changed from a medical procedure used to reconstruct the wounded or people with birth defects to reconstructing something people do not like about themselves. Plastic surgery was used during WWI in 1910 and after the war, skin grafting grew. The first training program in the United States was in 1924 thanks to Dr. John Davis. In 1950-1959, plastic surgery was used broadly to repair cleft pallet. It wasn’t until about