
Compare and contrast Porphyrias lover and My last Duchess Essay

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Compare and contrast Porphyrias lover and My last Duchess

“Porphyrias lover” and My Last Duchess are similar in many ways, they are both written by Robert Browning. In “My Last Duchess” the speaker is an Italian Duke who is speaking to the ambassador of a count, whose daughter he hopes, to marry. The Duke is trying to impress the counts representative by showing him around his gallery and the painting of his last Duchess. He openly speaks about having his last Duchess murdered, because she did not show him enough respect. “Porphyria’s lover” is a dramatic monologue that describes the events that lead up to Porphyria’s death. A dramatic monologue is a description of events being told by one person, this is also the case in “My …show more content…

Porphyria is in control of the relationship “made my cheek lie there” she is the person who is doing all the actions. Porphyria’s lover wants her to be his forever, the only way this is possible is to kill her. This occurs to him after he realises “Porphyria worshipped me.” He wants to preserve the moment, he thinks she wanted them to be together.

The upper class in both poems are in control for most of it. Porphyria and the Duke are both in relationships with a class lower than themselves. Both of them loose control, this results in Porphyria dying and the Duchess dying. The Duke remains in control and so does
Porphyria’s lover. This could symbolise a man’s power, both men come out on top. However there are differences in this.

The first and most obvious difference is the way the two women are killed. Both women are killed by a lower class then themselves. “My
Last Duchess” an assassin is hired by the Duke. Porphyria’s lover killed Porphyria. Porphyria’s lover killed her out of passion because of his love for her. The Duke had the Duchess killed because he could not lose control, and lose his male dominancy “herself be lessoned so, nor plainly set her wits to yours.” He can not risk talking to her incase she rebels against him. He is extremely cold hearted and instead of talking he just hires someone to kill her.

Jealously is also a very important factor in both poems. Porphyria’s lover is jealous

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