
Congestive Heart Failure: A Case Study

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The amount of strain that congestive heart failure puts on Mary's body does not allow her to perform regular tasks like feeding with ease. Since her heart struggles with providing her body enough blood and oxygen, she cannot eat properly and obtain the necessary nutrients she needs to develop and grow.
Four signs that can be seen as CHF (congestive heart failure) in an infant are: developing at a slow pace, difficulty breathing due to lungs being filled with fluid, pale or blue skin, and difficulty eating that can be seen with excessive sweating.
CBC (complete blood count), is a blood test that may be suggested by a medical professional in order to gain useful information on a patient's blood cells. This can include cell counts for the different types and the varying amounts of nutrients in the blood. If the count for a cell type is too high or low, it may be a sign of a disease. So CBC is an essential tool for a doctor to diagnose a patient's health condition.
A hemoglobin test is normally part of the CBC and is used to measure the amount of hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin is the protein carried by the red blood cells that transports oxygen to the body's tissues and also carries away carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. If a hemoglobin test results in a low hemoglobin count, it's usually a sign of anemia …show more content…

A baby's stomach cannot hold an increased amount of food, so formulas and breast-milk must have high caloric content in order to satisfy their nutritional needs. Supplements are also necessary and greatly assist babies that experience difficulty in extracting all of the required nutrients during their regular feedings. A baby may also simply tire out during its feedings due to its stressed heart and lungs, and will not eat its fill. In these situations, a nasogastric tube can be utilized to lessen the work

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