
Credentialing for Advanced Practice Nurses

Satisfactory Essays

Three issues or trends I see that are important with regard to credentialing are reimbursement, malpractice and education. Within each issue are opportunities for the advance practice nurse (APN) to grow in knowledge and participate in change. It is important to understand why each one effects credentialing for the APN.
Reimbursement for the advanced practice nurse (APN) is improving but how they fit into reimbursement systems is vey important. One question that arises is if the APN should be paid the same fee for service as a physician or should only a percentage of the payment be received. Most third-party reimburses, which include a few large insurance companies are now reimbursing APNs and more states are getting on board with reimbursements by developing reimbursement models for APNs (Hamric, 2009). For example, Aetna US Healthcare, Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Kentucky, Medicare and Medicate all credential NPs as primary care providers and pay at 85% of the physician rate. Tricare of Kentucky credentials NPs and pays 100%.
A second issue is malpractice. Malpractice issues are always present in an unstable environment where patients will seek to remedy an incident if they feel they have been harmed (Hamric, 2009). It is important to always act in a reasonable way as a health care clinician but unfortunately there are always those who are negligent in their actions as practitioners.
Education is another issue. Because of the expanding scope of

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