
Cultural Competencies

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Competencies that are necessary when working in a cultural diverse environment are, value in diversity, self-awareness of cultural, understanding dynamics within cultural interaction, and the institutionalization of dynamics within cultural dynamics. When valuing diversity, the organization should be respectful and accepting of the various cultural upbringings, traditions, communication and beliefs of others, thus providing a nondiscriminatory outlook of the individual (Van Roekel, 2008) Self-awareness of culture requires an individual to have an understanding of their own culture which is shaped by their interests, knowledge, experience, values, background, skills and beliefs. This awareness helps the individual to have an understanding of who they are, how they interact with others, and where they fit in with society and family and environment (Van Roekel, 2008). …show more content…

When the institutionalization of cultural knowledge and the adaption of diversity is implemented, an organization can provide education services that are created from the understanding of various cultures in which they work and learn, and can provide better adaptation and services to diverse individuals (de Felice, Martucci & Schirone,

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