
Culture And Cultures In India

Decent Essays

India is a country divided by its people, cultures and norms. Every state in the country hold its own different values and beliefs. Being the 7th largest country in the world, it is home to over a billion people. The country has said to have a total of 1652 languages spoken, where only 31 of them are official. Let’s not even get started on the number of casts and cultures that exist in the country, because the state I’m from, alone has over at least 10. Lack of respect for each other, the failure of the education system, and lack of empathy are what’s keeping India fractured. How can we expect so many people, who speak different languages, believe in different gods, eat different food, wear different clothes, and who believe in different rituals, to ever be united as one whole nation? India not only has too much going for it, but people don’t respect each others’ cultures. People can be seen disrespecting other states’ and their beliefs all around the country. When I was in India, I remember some of my uncles laughing about the way Maharashtrians talked, and how their education system is ages behind ours. Not only are rituals performed differently in every state, there is ignorance about how their way of doing something is the right way. People in northern India drink massive amounts on weddings, and are known to be very loud. Where people in the west don’t appreciate drinking on weddings, whereas people in South India don’t dance at weddings because it’s perceived as

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