Cyber-security, a government and private industry affair
The role of computers in business operations is growing with each wake. Computers have helped entities boost efficiency, speed up service and product delivery and take consumer interaction to another level. However, this new wave has not come without its challenges. Cybercrimes pose a threat to information security and privacy, which is a concern for private and public institutions alike. The United States has developed laws that seek to regulate and improve cyber security across public and private institutions, in an endeavor to ensure national security. Therefore, managers have a new task during the process of decision making as they no longer need to look at their own
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However, none of these laws provides a significant framework for institutions in the private sector to observe. An Executive Order issued by President Obama in January 2013 marked a material turning point in this respect as the order was based on ensuring security both in the private and public sector through information sharing by both parties, development of a common security strategy and optional implementation of the strategy by private sector stakeholders (Stay Safe Online, 2014).
Cyber attacks
Attacks against the United States continue to take place across all networks. According to the secretary of Department of Homeland Security, over 100,000 security threats were reported in 2011 and 2012 (Napolitano, 2012). Major attacks in the private industry include attacks on the Wall Street Journal, Twitter and the New York Times in 2013. There was also an attack on the Department of energy in the same year. Other famous attacks include Operation Aurora, an attack on Google, which originated from China and resulted to the
The topic I chose to do my analysis on concerning organizational issues related to Internet technologies and network security is a new and emerging threat to companies called ransomware. On 23 January, 2017, the Guardian ( published an article that over 700 computers in St Louis had been infected with ransomware, and that the city was deciding how to deal with this threat.
Fifteen years after the 9/11 terrorist attacks there has been adjustments made since then when protecting the nation from threats that are unknown. In 2001, President Bush proposed a new department that will be in charge along with other government agencies to work together to make sure threats don’t get out of hand (Tom Ridge). This new department,The Department of Homeland Security (DHS), was created after the 9/11 terrorist attacks and their main job is to protect the people. In order to execute this goal the Department of Homeland Security must “secure the nation against terrorist attacks, to protect against and respond to threats” (Andrew). Eleven days after the 9/11 terrorist attacks Tom
The use of information technology in business presents major security challenges, poses serious ethical question, and affects society in significant ways. Especially, the computer crime is a growing threat to society and is caused by the criminal or irresponsible actions of individuals who are taking advantage of the widespread use and vulnerability of computers and the Internet and other networks. It presents a major challenge to the integrity, safety, and survival of most business systems.
This specific section of the executive order calls for consultation with potentially affected communities purposely identifying legal, auditing, financial, and insurance communities as industries with which to consult. Additionally, the executive order also establishes a directive that the Board shall coordinate with the senior liaison officers of the Attorney General, the Secretaries of Energy, Commerce, Transportation, the Treasury, and Health and Human Services, and the Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Additionally, the Board shall work in coordination with the Critical Infrastructure Assurance Office and the national Institute of Infrastructure Assurance Office and the national Institute of Standards and Technology of the Department of Commerce, the National Infrastructure Protection Center, and the National Communications System (The White House). This indicates the large amount of actors impacted by information security infrastructure. This author finds it compelling that departments and agencies specifically related to homeland security and protection such as the FBI, CIA, and Department of Homeland Security. In fact, throughout the Executive Order the Department of Justice is mentioned in incident coordination and crisis response and law enforcement coordination; however, the Secret Service is specifically mentioned. It appears there is a large emphasis on coordination between executive agencies. However, the Board’s Coordination committee includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (The White
As organizations utilize software and the internet together to make transactions and complete accounting functions, the threat of cybercrime comes into play. “Cyber crime against private business is growing, and consuming a larger share of Federal Bureau of Investigation resources than ever before…” (Kelly, M., & 42 staff, 2011)
The term Critical Infrastructure did not come into use until the mid-1990’s. Since the 1970’s there have been 2,723 terrorist attacks that have taken place in the United States, causing a total of 3,570 deaths. About seventy-five (75) percent of those attacks targeted critical infrastructures. Critical Infrastructures (CI) and systems constitute high-value targets (Forest & Howard, 2013). Executive order EO 13010 Critical Infrastructure Protection was issued by president Bill Clinton on July 15th, 1996. This executive order addressed the concerns
In today’s IT world every organization has a responsibility to protect the information and sensitive data they have. Protecting data is not only responsibility of security and IT staff but every individual is involved in protecting the information. The risks to information security are not digital only, but it involves technology, people and process that an organization may have. These threats may represent the problems that are associated to complex and expensive solution, but doing nothing about these risks is not the solution.
Government services are a frequent target of cyber terrorism. The Israeli-Middle East conflict for instance shows numerous cases where cyber warfare is just as damaging as conventional means. Palestinian and Hezbollah hackers have been known to frequently attack Israeli infrastructure, often compromising government, military, and media sites. For its part, Israel has been known to hack its enemies in the Middle East, most notably Iran (XX). However, cyber terrorism is not the only means by which Canada's cyber security can be compromised. State-sponsored attacks also bring a great deal of damage, and in many cases, are better organized and funded
Cyber security, also referred to as information technology security, focuses on protecting computers, networks, software programs and data from unintended or unauthorized access, change or destruction. Post 9/11 and other terrorist attacks, the United States grows its endeavors to repulse cyberattacks, U.S. corporate organizations and the government agencies wind up in strife over how to adjust to new methods of security and privacy. The current state of security measure protocols and privacy policies placed by the US government in cyberspace raises concerns for the 99%. This is due to the recent cyber-attacks on American corporate organization systems and government alike, where their digital information and network infrastructures within the systems were compromised, and personal data was hacked and stolen.
On July 2015 the Obama administration revealed that a significant cyber attack affected government computer systems. The Obama administration admitted that more than 20 million government workers were affected by the cyber attack. During the cyber attack hackers were able to gain access to personal information that included Social Security numbers and fingerprints. Besides gaining access to Social Security numbers and fingerprints the hackers were also able to steal home addresses, financial history, and other sensitive information. This cyber attack alone affected 19 million government workers and over 1 million spouses. The administration indicated that the cyber attack was separate but related to another cyber attack that
Regulation workings on civil procedures and constitutional limitations on technology innovations as well as information access are slow. One main issue remains by the time the government can agree on the written law regulating cybersecurity regulations nationally it will be outdated due to the ever changes in cyber-attacks, viruses, and computer processing power (Maitra, 2015). Furthermore, the government’s regulations and controls are incapable of protecting their networks. The federal government alone had 65 cyber security breaches (Neal & Ilsever, 2016). Because of the government failing to protect its networks, the private sector cannot rely on the government and needs to be responsible for determining the business organizational standards for the private sector. Developing management practices and a company culture to deter cybercrime, protect company information, and develop cybersecurity requirements to protect all legal rights. Developing internal cybersecurity will not only set company standards, but will develop strategies to protect new legal territory since innovations in technology governs current practices when dealing with civil rights, employment, environmental, and labor laws (Neal & Ilsever, 2016).
Cybercrime has become a fast growing concern for the 21st century as businesses, institutions and individuals grow into an interconnected web of computer networks. Online business transactions, along with the sharing of personal information, are vulnerable to a host of disasters that can reap economic and social havoc. Some sources say that today, cybercrime costs more than $1.0 trillion to society--Global Industry Analysts, Inc. forecasted the world cyber security market to reach $80 billion by 2017 (Gale, 2011).
While all of these technologies have enabled exciting changes and opportunities for businesses, they have also created a unique set of challenges for business managers. Chief among all concerns about technology is the issue of information security. It seems to be almost a weekly occurrence to see a news article about yet another breach of security and loss of sensitive data. Many people will remember high profile data breaches from companies such as T.J Maxx, Boston Market, Sports Authority, and OfficeMax. In the case of T.J. Maxx, a data breach resulted in the loss of more than 45 million credit and debit card numbers. In many of these incidents, the root cause is a lack of adequate security practices within the company. The same technologies that enable managers can also be used against them. Because of this, businesses must take appropriate steps to ensure their data remains secure and their communications remain
The Federal Government needs to create information systems which are more effective shielded systems to protect their assets and resources at home. The foundation of any mandated cybersecurity strategies that secure our nation national security must incorporate worldwide or state local threats whether targeted toward the federal government or the private sector forces. The OPM breach highlighted the insufficient and inconsistence security approaches the federal government has already used in modernizing the existing cybersecurity policies. There is a requirement for the United States government to institute polices that would incorporate and implement new government cybersecurity structures and centralized the protection of their assets to avert future breaches (Source). Examining the inadequacies in the current national cybersecurity policies and regulations is disappointing as OPM choice to implement these mechanisms and the current authoritative propositions to cybersecurity must change immediately. It was reported that OPM only spent $2 million in 2015 to avert pernicious digital assaults, while the Department of Agriculture spent $39 million. The Department of Commerce, Department of Education, and Department of Labor likewise invested more money in cybersecurity resources than the Office of Personnel Management. The Small Business Administration devoted a similar amount into cybersecurity to recognizing, examining, and alleviate any cyber breaches as OPM, however
In the previous five years, cybersecurity has turned into the most looked for after calling around the world. More than 90 percent of respondents to an overview directed by the Ponemon Institute (2011) detailed being a casualty to cyberattacks amid the most recent year, costing all things considered more than $2 million for each association. This number keeps on ascending as the two programmers and security devices progress. As indicated by PwC, roughly 33% of all U.S. organizations are as of now utilizing digital protection (Lindros and Tittel, 2016).