
Cyber Security, A Government And Private Industry Affair

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Cyber-security, a government and private industry affair
The role of computers in business operations is growing with each wake. Computers have helped entities boost efficiency, speed up service and product delivery and take consumer interaction to another level. However, this new wave has not come without its challenges. Cybercrimes pose a threat to information security and privacy, which is a concern for private and public institutions alike. The United States has developed laws that seek to regulate and improve cyber security across public and private institutions, in an endeavor to ensure national security. Therefore, managers have a new task during the process of decision making as they no longer need to look at their own …show more content…

However, none of these laws provides a significant framework for institutions in the private sector to observe. An Executive Order issued by President Obama in January 2013 marked a material turning point in this respect as the order was based on ensuring security both in the private and public sector through information sharing by both parties, development of a common security strategy and optional implementation of the strategy by private sector stakeholders (Stay Safe Online, 2014).
Cyber attacks
Attacks against the United States continue to take place across all networks. According to the secretary of Department of Homeland Security, over 100,000 security threats were reported in 2011 and 2012 (Napolitano, 2012). Major attacks in the private industry include attacks on the Wall Street Journal, Twitter and the New York Times in 2013. There was also an attack on the Department of energy in the same year. Other famous attacks include Operation Aurora, an attack on Google, which originated from China and resulted to the

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