
Dawn Elie Wiesel Character Analysis

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Hunger is a feeling all humans have, and it is one of the feelings and emotions that makes us human. In the book Dawn by Elie Wiesel, the main character Elisha is part of a Zionist terrorist organization. He is given the task from the leader of their organization to execute a captured British soldier, John Dawson. Elisha doesn't want to give him food before the group executes him, because subconsciously it will humanize the captured soldier. When a fellow soldier said they should give him food before they kill him, but Elisha responded, "He listens to his stomach and it tells him he is going to die and he isn't hungry." (Dawn, Wiesel.) This shows the colder side of Elisha and how he doesn't want to humanize Dawson so he is easier to kill. Elisha has experienced hunger himself when he was in the nazi concentration camps. …show more content…

He chose to not give him food because he could relate to his situation of not knowing if you are going to die or not and being very hungry. Elisha's father's ghost see that not feeding Dawson is in humane, when they decide not to feed Dawson. The ghost plays a key role in the post concentration camp Elisha, he plays his moral compass. He really doesn't like the idea of not feeding Dawson because he suffered from hunger in the camps along with Elisha. "His remark hungover our heads in mid air; no one opened up to receive it. My father shot me a hard glance, as if to say a man is going to die, and he's hungry." (Dawn, Wiesel.) This shows how Elisha's subconscious wants to feed Dawson, instead of starving him and then killing him. Also in this quote Elisha finally has to humanize Dawson and feed him. When they went to feed him though, to their shock he immediately ate all the food regardless how bad it

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