
Demand and Supply Essay

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Assignment 1 Case Study: Contract and Sale of Goods Law Vinyl film is used to make commercial signage such as billboards, signage on vehicles, and traffic signs. There are two types of vinyl film: cast vinyl film and calendared vinyl film. Cast vinyl film is considered by the industry to be a premium product with excellent durability and conformability (ie ability to stretch over surfaces with corrugations or curves). It is used when the customer wants a paint-like finish that will last a long time, usually five to seven years. Calendared vinyl film is a cheaper product, but is also less durable (usually one to five years), less conformable and thicker than cast vinyl film, and is suitable for short term signage, such as point of …show more content…

(d) IMPORTANT NOTICE: The assignment may contain aspects of topics not yet reached in lectures. This means that if a part is unfamiliar to you, you should look at the lecture program found in the Unit outline to see the topics yet to be reached and try and identify the appropriate area. The use of the index in the many textbooks that are available will also assist in this regard. Remember: the assignment requires research on your behalf, and research includes finding out about areas which are new to you. (f) Where calculations are appropriate, they should be made. Submission date and time The assignment should be submitted in electronic form and by hard copy (see below) no later than the date and times indicated below: Assignment 1 – Due Wednesday 2 April 2014 by 11.59 pm Applications for extension of time All applications for an extension of the time for submission of the assignment must be made in writing to the Head of Commerce. Approval, if granted, will be in writing and will be recorded on the Centre’s Assignment cover sheet accompanying the assessment task by the responsible lecturer/tutor. Penalties for late lodgement Late submission without an approved extension attracts a penalty of 10% of the total mark for the assignment for each day late. In the interests of equity between all students, this penalty will be strictly enforced. For these purposes, Saturdays and Sundays are counted as

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