
Difference Between Dm4 And Dsm

Decent Essays

Anxiety disorders include disorders that have similar features of excessive fear and anxiety and related behavioral disturbances (DSM5 p. 189).
The main difference in the DSM 4 and the DSM 5 for anxiety disorders are that in the DSM 4 the following are categorize as anxiety disorders, panic attack, panic disorder without agoraphobia, panic disorder with agoraphobia, agoraphobia without history of panic disorder, Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. In the DSM 5 the following are categorize as anxiety

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