
Diversity And Leadership Commitment To Multi-Cultural Dynamics

Satisfactory Essays

OLCU 618 – Test One – Heidi Wempen – 5/18/16

1. What does it mean when one is said to be “culturally programmed to act in a certain way?
The context given in the text is that culture provides us with an effective framework. So that we know when and how to behave in various situations. Every culture is different so the frameworks that apply are different. In this way we are programed by our culture. (Moodian, 2009, p. 11- 15).
2. How is culture ever changing and dynamic?
A culture, in order to continue cannot stagnate. Culture are always changing due to various influences (immigration, government change or media). Change often slowly which is not surprising when it is considered that culture is typically passed down from generation to generation. …show more content…

This provides a nurturing environment, where members of the organization to perceive things though different cultural lenses as well as allowing their own cultural lens to be valued (Moodian, 2009, Chapter 3).
4. Why is executive-level support important and what are 3 key ways to gaining leadership commitment to multi-cultural diversity? Executive level support is important because grassroots movements rarely inspire change. Without executive commitment attention to diversity any programs will likely fall by the wayside.
Three ways of gaining executive commitment to diversity are to gather data and to assess the organizations current commitment to diversity to show where and why there is a need for change. The development of diversity council can also garner executive support because it offers a way for executive members of an organization to have a dialog with other members of an organization about diversity. Systematic changes are also necessary such as hiring from a diverse roster of candidates when filling a position. (Moodian, 2009,

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