
Does Macbeth Have Free-Will? Essay

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Throughout the story of Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, Macbeth acts in a much despised manner: he becomes a murderer and later, when king of Scotland, a tyrant. Many who have read or seen the play are left wondering how a man’s whole approach to life can change; how Macbeth turned from the hero whom all adored, to the tyrant who was hated and ended up a lone man, fighting for his life.

Within the play, Macbeth is influenced by many: the witches; his wife, Lady Macbeth; possibly Hecate, Goddess of the Underworld; and his own desire to be crowned king. The question is: was he just influenced by them, and acted upon his own choice and free-will; or did they control him, forcing him to act against his wishes against his free will? …show more content…

While this may show control, during the play the witches’ role is to prophesise and see the future. They may have seen Macbeth meeting them ‘Upon the heath’, and so knew it would happen without them having to act.

Later on, during Act I, Scene 5, Macbeth writes in his letter to Lady Macbeth: ‘kings massives who all-hailed me Thane of Cawdor, by which title… these weϊrd-sisters… referred me’. Here, Macbeth seems to believe that he became Thane due to the witches’ prophecy, rather than his own actions. This could be said to show that he has become reliant on the witches, but not that the witches control him: he has chosen to trust him.

In the same letter Macbeth writes: ‘What greatness is promised thee’. He is laying all his trust with the witches, believing that no matter what happens they [he and Lady Macbeth] will become the rulers of Scotland. Once again, he is choosing to trust them: they have not forced him to do anything.

In Act ii, Scene 1, Macbeth says during a soliloquy in lines 33 – 64: ‘Is this a dagger I see before me/…let me clutch thee…/I have thee not, and yet I see thee still’. Is the dagger a ‘dagger of the mind’ (l.38), or a prank from the witches? It is impossible to know, however, the sight of this mysterious blood- covered dagger causes Macbeth to delve deep into evil thoughts and rumours: ‘ Wicked dreams abuse/…pale Hecate’s off ‘rings, and

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