SWOT analysis:
Strengths: Weaknesses:
• Unilever’s worldwide establishment
• Unconventional marketing strategy
• Word of mouth and Word of Mouse free publicity
• Campaign has a strong emotional touch
• Social responsibility- Dove established self esteem fund, which conducted self esteem workshops along with Girl Scouts to improve the self esteem of girls
• Dove’s brand loyalty • Best known for functional superiority, i.e. beauty bar which does not dry the skin
• Changing perceptions of people is difficult
Opportunities: Threats:
• Huge opportunity to develop products for other target customers, i.e. male users
• Communicating one advertisement message throughout the world
• Inclusive of 98% of the target market which is largely
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Dove devised a brand positioning strategy. Dove introduced various beauty products through category extensions.
Brand meaning makes people to anticipate a particular capability of a brand/product. Prior to the year 2000 Dove differentiated (pg.no. 269 Kotler, & Lane, 2008) itself from other soaps with its excellent moisturizing and cleansing capabilities. In the year 2000 Dove took advantage of brand equity (pg.no. 242 Kotler, & Lane, 2008 ) to launch other beauty products. Dove tried to extend the brand meaning beyond the functional capabilities through “Campaign for Real Beauty”.
This definitely poses challenges to marketers. Now marketers should not only concentrate on the functional benefits of the brand they should also concentrate on emotional benefits (pg.no. 241 Kotler, & Lane, 2008 ) of the brand.
Dove used Buzz and Viral marketing techniques (pg.no. 546 Kotler, & Lane, 2008 ) to send the message of their product to the audience. Dove’s started a video campaign “Evolve” in which normal woman turns into a billboard model and used Youtube as medium to reach the audience. This kind of marketing technique gives insight to user responses after viewing the video which is great wealth information. This marketing technique also grabbed the attention of both people and media. This video campaign was gone viral by word of mouth and word of mouse (pg.no. 546 Kotler, & Lane, 2008). Dove’s successful
They are women with incomes of $25,000 or more a year that care about their appearance and spend money on beauty products. They tend to have curly or frizzy hair. They are women that tend to use beauty salons and keep up with fashion and fashion trends.
Kerin, R. A., Hartley, S. W., & Rudelius, W. (2013). Marketing. (11th ed.). New York, New
The team gathered a wealth of information about the products strengths and weaknesses, but lacked important consumerbrand relationship information. Supplementing the Consumer Insight Team research with the Usage and Attitude Study provided a well rounded customer understanding.
Catherine, W., Tat Pui, L. and Henrik, U. (2011) The Roles of Branding for a Brand Entering
Dove’s Self Esteem project was made for young girls because more young girls struggle with having low self-esteem between the ages of seven to seventeen than most people realize. Not having good self-esteem takes a toll on young girls and causes them to miss out on many opportunities while growing up. Dove stated “six in ten girls avoid participating in fundamental life activities because of concerns about the way they look”. I found this very
B) The brand personality of a company can be described as the set of human characteristics that attributed to the brand of a company. It is something by which the consumer can relate to the brand which can effectively increase the value of the brand by effectively communicating a sense of similarity to their customers. There are five main types of brand personalities, but the one that matches Nestle the best is, excitement. Nestle gives of vibes of a carefree attitude and connects best with consumers that are youthful and spirited. Because of the nature of the products Nestle offers, the idea of Point of Purchase (POP) becomes very important. Many of the Nestle consumers purchase their products at the payment isle of grocery stores, so POP sales become very important. This also allows packaging to play an extremely important role during the POP purchase. Because there are many other similar products in the check-out isle, it is important for Nestle to make their products stand out. According to a brand manager from Nestle, “For Nestle, packaging has a key role to play in brand recognition”. Environmental issues, mainly the use of biodegradable and sustainable materials, have a growing impact on package design and materials sourcing. This is something Nestle keeps in mind when communicating with their consumers and also when maintaining brand identity and packaging characteristics. Nestle also recently announced that they
Our final recommendation for shampoo marketing managers is “Brand Ambassadors”, in our interviews we found that our subjects have been using the same brand for years and that most of them started using the brand based on observing a member of their reference group e.g. a family member. We therefore believe that marketers should highlight these two points by using brand ambassadors.
The Dove campaign for Real Beauty was the brainchild of Ogilvy & Mathers, Edelman Public Relations and Harbinger Communications (to be referred to as simply Ogilvy) and the project was known as the “Evolution” campaign. The marketing campaign began in 2004 under the corporation known as Unilever. This diversified conglomerate is the parent company to the Dove Company’s line of beauty and body products. The campaign began as a result of survey conducted in which only 2% of women believed they were “beautiful.” Unilever saw an opportunity to reach a saturated market from a fresh perspective. After hiring Ogilvy, the message grew into one of the most successful advertising campaigns in Unilever’s storied history.
Promotions in the marketing mix of Dove: Dove has strong brand awareness in the consumer market because of Dove’s branding and advertising. Marketing policies are the reason why Dove gets success. Campaigns and advertisement improve the brand image and build a positive impact on consumers’ minds (Bhasin, 2016). Dove’s advertisements are aired on various channels of television and radio. Dove has advertisements in newspaper, magazine, and billboards as well. Dove used an unusual promotional strategy for the products. Dove decided to use the ordinary women who look extraordinary after using Dove products in the advertisement rather than celebrity. Dove created a good customer base with the “Real Beauty” that the context about confidence in the advertisement (Bhasin, 2016).
Branding is a tool to make the goods of one producer different from another producer (Keller, 2003). Carroll (2008) asserts that branding is a sign of quality, and it is helpful to increase
Now, let’s get the facts straight about “Beautiful” people’s self-esteem. Our self-esteem has been affected by the “Beautiful” people. We either have high or low self-esteems and the environment that we live in creates it. At work, school, and home we are surrounded by beautiful people with high self-esteems. The not so pretty people have low self-esteems towards the world and themselves. Dove gives plentiful facts about self-esteems related to beauty. Dove Self Esteem Fund, company, in the article "Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National report on the state of Self-Esteem" (2008), analyzes that girls have a lot of pressure due to emotional stress with ourselves. Dove gives a lot of ethos to back up each statement said. Dove talks about kids and parents in order to get to kids and parents to be involved in a positive way. This article attracts audience as young kids, teens, and parents. Parents also contribute to kid’s low self-esteem issues. Real Girls, Real Pressure: A National Report on the State of Self-Esteem, commissioned by the Dove® Self-Esteem Fund, reveals that there is a self-esteem crisis in this country that pervades every aspect of a girl’s life including her looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members (Dove). Self-esteem is a key issue in the world. In the article it’s revealed as a crisis in the country and it’s mostly about beauty.
Long before now has branding been considered as one of the peripheral aspects of business. Manufacturers, investors and other key players focused on the product without paying much attention to the consumer. But as the business landscape got tougher, marketing became not just an integral part of business but one of the fundamental principles of success.
The adventure of becoming a successful brand with the launch of Cream Bar in the United States begins in 1957. Dove is Unilever's fastest growing and momentum as time goes on after this launch is one of the brands. World launch of Dove is started in 1991. The brand went to meet with consumers in 55 countries in total by the end of 1994. Thus, the Dove family kept expanding. Successive face and body cleansing products, skin care, deodorant and hair care products with the launch of Dove continued to grow rapidly. Today, Dove, and the difference in quality that will redefine the standards of the category that enters through any personal care, personal hygiene brand to the world's expert.
Despite the fact that we’re already in the 21st century, society continues to show signs of progress and development strongly leaning towards the direction of advancement, constantly evolving. This pattern is no different from the world of advertising, as it has also evolved through the years and quite recently an unexpected technological innovation took the world by storm. It made such a tremendous impact that eventually led to the transformation of traditional marketing, and it’s no other than social media that we all learned to love.
Unilever believes in the sustainable growth and use of renewable sources of energy. It is also very watchful of employee health and has managed to bring down its accidental rate by a high margin. Unilever’s vision includes a better way for living for its consumers and better use of the products that they use. It maintains a high standard of its products by following stringent standards which helps in maintaining consumer satisfaction. Over the years, after working for different social projects like Water conservation and Food for all, it has grown its image as a socially aware and responsible