
Economics : Falling Oil Price

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Political Science
Falling oil price
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There has been a sharp drop in the prices of oil. Over the past decade there has been a recurrent drop that has been recorded. Estimated the place effect has been in the range of 0.5 to 1 %( dadush 2015) the drop in the prices has have caused contending large deficits in many countries especially those which receive oil exports. The effects are both negative and positive depending on the boost of the global aggregate demand. Non OPEC countries have had the opportunity to have the eventual decision to enable the price to align according to the global economy There are relevant causes that have caused the oil prices to plunge over time among them are;
1. Increase in production of unconventional oil-unconventional oil is petroleum extracted using other techniques than the conventional oil well. Many governments across the world are investing a lot in the production of these oils thus flooding the oil market with unconventional oils thus reducing the price of conventional oil.
2. Major shifts in OPEC policy-OPEC majorly accounts for a large percentage in the world’s oil supply and continues to have the capacity to be the leading producer in the global market if it so wishes. Its major producers have used spare capacity to regulate supply of oil and therefore stabilizing prices within a desired price bracket as a result of this policy and the increasing unconventional oil production, OPEC’S .
3. Geopolitical

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